Stepping up as a step dad

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"Alai will you marry me?" I asked with the biggest smile on my face

"Of course I will" she said

He was such a cute baby what made me mad was he looked more like Austin then Alai. I don't want her to be with Austin but I guess that's another issues in going to have to figure out.
I Believe Alai is my sound mate and I want to do what's best for her and her child. I'm still curious as to why she named him Anthony she knows that's my name unless she forgot. I loved holding him he was so quiet and his little smile always made me smile.

It's been close to 5 months since Anthony has been born and I've been here mostly everyday since. I loved that kid even if it wasn't mine.
Alai is finally my official girlfriend which met I had to step up as being a dad but I was bumped down to step dad since Austin is always here to see him. He takes him for a whole week every other week which doesn't seem good for the baby to keep switching homes like that. I was starting to love this kid like he was mine.

"Your so good with him. He likes you Tony" I smiled at her comment

"Why did you name him Anthony?"

"Because I love you and I wanted him to have a cool ass name" she said

"You named him after me?"

"Yea maybe one day he could have your last name"

"So then he'll be Anthony Austin Mahone Woods jr" I chuckled

"Yes he will have a very long name"

Austin pulled up and he came inside getting ready to take Anthony. Tony was on the floor playing with him and Austin just came in all cool like.

"Hi Anthony" he said taking him from Tony

"I should be going home to get ready now" Tony said

"Ok I'll see you later on"

"Where are you guys going?"

"On a date" I chuckled

"Have fun"

"Bye Austin"

It's been like this for about 3 weeks now he just comes and gets him and then gives me his bitchy attitude and then leaves. He's been super pissed cause I'm with Tony now but he needs to get over it.
Yes I praise him for being a good father but it hasn't been that long. Tony was going back to school Saturday which absolutely sucked cause he will be gone for 5 months and then on break and then goes back for another 2 months.

Austin's POV
I took Anthony and handed him to Alex in the backseat while Rob was in the front. I still haven't gotten a car seat for him but it's fine they can just hold him.
We got back to my house and my mom was all excited to see Anthony she loved when he came over for the week. I walked in holding him and my mom snatched him from my hands and started kissing him all over while he giggled.

"Mom were gonna go downstairs and play some video games do you wanna watch Anthony or..?" I trailed off hoping she would

"Yea I'll watch him for a little while God knows what your gonna do down there" she said giving me a dirty look

"Thanks mom love you" I said kissing him on his head and rushing downstairs

An hour later we finished smoking all the pot we had we were high out of our minds. The smoke filled the room and if you opened the door it would all fly into the rest of the house. My eyes were bloodshot like ACs next to me he just smirked at me.

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