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"Luke! Come on! Get up!" I hear Cal yell, pushing me out of bed.

"Alright man! I'm up! I'm up!" I rub my eyes, adjusting to the bright light. Today was the day of our second world tour. A lot has happened in....those 6 years. For instance, last month I celebrated my 25th birthday. Jayson's now 19, attending college at NYU studying music. He said that the only reason why he wants to be a musician was because it's what Jacy wanted to become. We still never found her. The search party stopped after three years. As much as I wanted to kill myself for thinking it, but I knew that I had to stop searching and move on. I went on a couple of first dates after the three years, but never a second. It felt....wrong. Like I was cheating on her. I still carry around the engagement ring everywhere I go.

'Just in case' I would tell myself. But each day was the same. Gone. I missed her like hell, and here will forever be a hole in my heart. I quickly got dressed, putting all of my things together. I looked at the time and was that I had a couple of minutes until I had to leave, so I decided to turn on the news

"-And in other breaking news, Jacy Cass, missing since age 18 has now been found 6 years later after her kidnapping. She claims that she was kidnapped by her father, an escaped felon who beat and abused her and her brother after her mother tragically died of brain cancer. He was arrested but escaped soon after, then kidnapping her. She claimed that he would beat and rape her on a daily basis, and even got her pregnant 6 times, but the baby would never survive the beatings she endured. She was found in a small hideaway under the ground of the woods in a nearby hiking area. Due to the leaves covering the door, and expertly camouflaged no one knew that they were walking above a girl clinging on to her life. Her remaining friends and family have been contacted, and more on the story at 11." 

And there flashes a picture of her on the screen before everything goes black.

Damaged[SEQUEL TO BTNG\\LH UNEDITED]Where stories live. Discover now