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Hey guys, so before I start the chapter, I just want to tell you that I think this will be the last chapter of this book. I will make sure to post a epilogue. I really enjoyed writing this book for you guys, you've all been so supportive. I will not make a book three, this is the end to the "Series" You guys can always check out other books of mine, and I just want to say sorry for the slow updates lately, I started 8th grade like two weeks ago and they don't fuck around in 8-2. I hope you guys enjoyed the book, I love you all, and as always, see you in the next book <3]



"I'm scared." I say, standing behind the closed door. I turn to my brother, already looking at me.

"Don't worry, it'll all be just like you planned, it's ok" He reassured me, grabbing my arm as the music began to play. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, the doors slowly opening.

"Here we go" I say, mostly to myself. I look up, Luke standing there in his tux, looking more handsome than ever. We lock eyes as I walk down the aisle, all eyes on me. I swear, I had the biggest smile possible that day, my eyes scanning the small crowd. I watch as people around me start to cry, smiling through the ears.

"She's absolutely gorgeous."

"After all she's been through, she deserves this and much more."

"She shines like a star in that dress"

"I can't believe she's getting married, and to such a great man to"

"I hope he treats her right"

"I can see the children now"

"She should pursue in her singing, marry him later."

"She's so beautiful."

"Look at the way they look at eachother"

"I can't wait for my own wedding"

I listen on all of the comments, making me feel amazing. I finally reach the pastor and Luke, reaching his hand out and grabbing mine.

"You look stunning" He whispers as the pastor begins

"Today we gather for the the wedding of Mrs.Jacy Cass and Mr.Luke Hemmings. The rings please" I watch as my little niece comes out of her small hiding spot, handing the rings to both me and Luke.

"Now, Luke please repeat after me"

"I, Luke hemmings, take thee Jacy Cass, to be my wife, and before God and these witnesses I promise to be a faithful and true husband." He begins, Luke never taking his eyes off of me.

"I, Luke hemmings, take thee Jacy Cass, to be my wife, and before God and these witnesses I promise to be a faithful and true husband." He repeats. My turn.

"Now, Jacy please repeat after me"

"I, Jacy Cass, take thee Luke hemmings, to be my Husband, and before God and these witnesses I promise to be a faithful and true Wife." I take a deep breath, my eyes never leaving the idiot in front of me.

"I, Jacy Cass, take thee Luke hemmings, to be my Husband, and before God and these witnesses I promise to be a faithful and true Wife." I smile.

"Great, now, will you, Luke Hemmings, have Jacy Cass to be your wife? Will you love her, comfort and keep her, and forsaking all other remain true to her as long as you both shall live?"

"I do"

"Will you, Jacy Cass, have Luke Hemmings to be your Husband? Will you love Him, comfort and keep him, and forsaking all other remain true to him as long as you both shall live?"

"I do"

"Now, will you Luke put the ring on your lovely wife's ring finger?" Luke slowly slides the ring on, his hands shaking, causing my to giggle.

"Shut up, it's not funny" He smiles, sliding the ring completely on, causing the whole room to laugh a little.

"Jacy, will you please put the wedding band on your husband's finger?" I repeat the process, now understanding how nerve racking this actually is.

"Both of you, repeat after me" I resist the urge to roll my eyes at all of this 'Now repeat after me' BS, and focus on the fact that my whole life is standing right there in front of me.

"With this ring I thee wed, and all my worldly goods I thee endow. In sickness and in health, in poverty or in wealth, 'til death do us part." I take a quick glance at the small crowd, people still crying, Liz sitting in the front row, trying her hardest not to cause a scene.

""With this ring I thee wed, and all my worldly goods I thee endow. In sickness and in health, in poverty or in wealth, 'til death do us part."

"Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Hemmings, you may now kiss the bride" He closes his book, taking a step back. Before I could process anything, I feel a pair of lips against mine. I snake my arms around Luke's neck, his resting on my hips whilst our lips move in sync. I can hear the faint cheers of everyone, but I didn't pay much attention to it. All I could think about is how finally, I feel like the fairy tale princess I always wanted to be. And Lukes my prince charming.

And I don't want it anyother way.

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