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"A-ashton?" I stutter, staring at the tall figure in my doorway.

"The one and only" He walks closer, the light shining on his face. I smile and run over, hugging him tighter than ever. I could feel the wet spot on his shirt from my tears grow bigger and bigger.

"I've missed you so much" I say, nuzzling my head deeper into his chest.

"Don't cry. I'm back. For good." He said, breaking the hug to hug everyone else.

"Time for cake!" Calum shouted, running into the kitchen.

"By cake does he mean you and him, or actual cake?" whisper to Luke whilst we follow behind everyone into the kitchen.

"What do you mean, of course he means real cake" Luke says, not getting the point.

"Luke, if you two put your names together, you get cake. Like a ship name" I say.

"What about ship names?" Jayson asked.

"Apparently Luke didn't know if you put his name and Calum's together, you get cake. Like a ship name" I explain.

"I want a ship name with Luke!" Michael pouted.

"Uhh, it would be...uh...Muke I guess" I shrug.

"Now I want one with Ashton."




"Holy shit" He laughs.

"Do you have a ship name for all of us?!" Luke asks.

"Uh, yes?" I say more of a question.

"Ohh, tell me mine!" Calum says, all of the boys agreeing, wanting to know theirs.

"Ok, so all of yours would be, Cake, Cashton and Malum"

"For Luke, it would be, Muke, Lashton, and Cake.

"For Michael, it would be, Malum, Mashton and Muke"

"And for the one and only Ashton, it would be Lashton, Cashton and Mashton" I finish, looking up at the boys.

"CAKE FOR LIFE!" Luke and Calum scream, hugging eachother tightly.

"HEY! You're supposed to be mine" Michael pouts, looking at Luke.

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way" He plays along, Ash and I holding in our laughter.

"W-what? A-are you b-breaking up with m-me?" Michael pretends to be hurt and fake cries.

"I'm sorry" Ans that's when I made the mistake of looking over at Ash, bursting out with laughter, causing the whole room to laugh.

"Hey, how come you have a ship name for all of us, but not for Luke and you?" Ash asks.

"Oh, our ship name would be Lucy"

"Sounds like the name Liz would've given Luke, or if he had a twin sister." Michael blurted out, making us all laugh a little. The entire day followed with more heartbreaks between the boys, catching up with everyone, laughing, throwing food around, watching movies. The news finally got the point that I didn't want to talk to them, and eventually left. The boys-including Jayson, but not Luke-left about an hour ago, leaving me and Luke sitting in my room, sitting across from each other on my bed talking about random shit.

"But I'm saying, Adam Lambert is the king of Gay Pop Stars" I laugh, causing Luke to laugh and facepalm, muttering a 'Oh My God'. Pretty soon the laughter died down, just us staring at one another.

"Hey, wanna take a walk down to the park?"He eventually asks, seeming nervous.

"Sure" We get up from my bed, walking outside. When we reached the the park, we stood at the lake, my head resting on his arm.

"H-hey, Jacy?" Luke asks, turning so we're facing eachother.


"U-uh, um,Jacy, as you know, I love you more than words can explain, and there's nothing I want more in life to grow old with you, start our own family, live together in a two bedroom apartment, one for us and the other for our future kids. All I really want in life, more than the band, traveling around the world, making music, is to be with you all my life. I need you in my life, because Jacy, you are my life. You are my sun, my star, my everything," Tears start to well up in his eyes. "I can't afford to lose you, not again. When you went missing that day, I wanted to die. Not knowing where my baby was 24/7. I stopped eating, stopped showing up at school and practice. I cried myself to sleep every night, only to spend hours on end the next day looking for you. I needed to know that you were fine, but I didn't know. Jacy, I thought you were dead. After a few years, I went on a couple dates, but never a second. It felt wrong because none of those girls were you. They didn't have your smile, your eyes, your cute little button nose. It wasn't you. They weren't you. I made a promise to myself that once I found you again, I'd never let go. You have no idea how much I wanted to wake up, like this was all some twisted dream. When I turned on the TV and saw that you were found, my heart stopped. No. It started beating again. I rushed to the hospital, as quickly as possible. When I walked into your room, I wanted to burst into tears, seeing that ass all over you after what you went through. In those three weeks, it hurt me so much to see you they way I did. Not as happy, mood swings, crying, yelling at me, saying how much you hatted me, wishing we never met," A tear rolls down his cheek, and thats when I saw the true pain I put him through.

"T-then why didnt you leave?" I whisper, my voice barely audible.

"Because I love you. And I knew that even if I did lose all love in you, I couldn't leave you, right there in the hospital with no one to turn to. It cut deep. But I ignored the pain, and gave you everything I had. When I saw your face when I brought you home, and everyone came out, I felt like I won the world cup. To see you smile and laugh, enjoying life again made me feel so accomplished in life, and made me realized that you were the reason why I put the bottle down that day. I can never lose you, never again. So that brings me to my question" He bends down on one knee, pulling out a small box, revealing a beautiful engagement ring.

"Jacy, the day you went missing, I promised myself that when I found you, I'd never let you go. And here you are." Tears fall down my cheeks.

"Jacy Cass, will you marry me?" I was in such a state of shock, I didn't know how to respond.

So I ran.

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