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Day of the wedding
Getting ready in the hotel room.

"CALUM! PUT THE FUCKING CURLING IRON DOWN!" I scream, making the whole room go quite. I take a deep breath, trying to compose myself. I watched as everyone stared at me, slightly scared by my sudden outburst. Today is my wedding day and I'm completely flipping my shit, yelling every 5 seconds (A/N: No pun intended) at someone about something stupid.

"Sorry" I mumbled under my breath, going back to my makeup. I was going for a simple but flirty look, taking me 5 tries.

" fuck" I mumble, taking off my makeup, only to try again.

"Maybe you should take a small break hun" My Aunt Lucy says, rubbing my shoulders as everyone agrees.

"No, it's fine, I just need to loosen up a bit, stop stressing out so much." I take a deep breath and calm down, picking up my makeup brush again as Aunt May begins working on my hair. It's a small wedding, a few of my Aunts, Luke's mom, dad and brothers, Calum and his sister, Michael and Ashton. Overall, no more than 25 people, including the pastor. I have a good hour until I have to get into the car, and drive to the alter.

"I can't believe that my boys getting married" Ash sighs.

"I know, I'm supposed to be with Luke"Calum pouts, making me laugh, my Aunts giving him weird looks.

"they're all super close, and joke about this kind of stuff all the time, they're not actually gay for one another" I explain, relief washing over her face, making me wonder how she would've reacted if they were. I roll my eyes.

"Too bad, he gave me the ring" I put up my hand, smirking. Calm groans, rolling his eyes at me.

"Don't remind me" He pouts again.

"Whatever Asian boy" I go back to my makeup, Aunt May going back to my hair.

"God, you still remember those nicknames?" Ash asks, facepalming.

"Sure thing curly fries" I raise one eyebrow, looking at them all through the mirror.

"And done!" May and I say at the same time, putting whatever was in our hands down on the table.

"The dress!" Lucy exclaims, literally throwing it at me.

"Hey! I payed enough money on this dress to pay for your daughter's college tuition! Do not throw the dress!" I shout, putting it on.

"I need help with the zipper"

"I'll get it" Calum stands up, zipping up the dress.

"Ok! Lets go, grab your shoes hun, we have a wedding to attend!" Lucy squeals, handing me my shoes and shoving everyone out the door.

'I'm getting married' I think to myself as we get into the limo.

'And I wouldn't want it any other way'

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