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Jacy's P.O.V (day of escape)

I wake up, the chains around my neck and wrists pulling me down. I turn to my side to see my dad soundly sleeping. I look down and see a brand new bruise formed on my bare side. I haven't worn anything else but a bra and underwear since the day of my kidnapping 6 years ago. Every time someone would walk above us either for a hike or from the search party he would hold a gun up to me, threatening to shoot me if I said a word. Everyday he would turn on the news, and we would watch the search party for me, and he would laugh. Every time I saw Luke on TV I never wanted to badly to go through the TV and hug him. He was in bad shape and it was evident. He became skinnier each time he was on TV, his voice got lower, he would talk less, his eyes were constantly red and puffy, as if he's been crying. I remember him saying that he'll never love again, and that he would wait forever for me. It brought tears to my eyes, wondering if he was still waiting for me, or if he has forgotten and moved on. He's 25 now, going into his second world tour with his band 5 Second Of Summer. I'm so proud of him, for living his dream.

'If only I was apart of it'

I miss Jayson so badly. He should be 19 now. I don't know if he's in college yet, or what he's studying, but I sure hope that my kidnapping didn't hold him back from anything  that could impact his future.

Everyday, he would rape me. I even got pregnant a couple of times, but the baby never survived the abuse. Never made it past 2 months. I was kind of glad each time the baby died. It's not like I wanted the baby dead, but it was for the better. I mean, I can't raise a baby in the environment I was in under my condition. And I could never like, let alone love a child that my father was the father of. It was sick, and I could never handle looking at him/her as a constant reminder of why they're here in this world.

"You're up" I hear a groggy voice from behind me say. I look behind me to see him rubbing his eyes whilst getting up.

"Yeah, I've been up for a while. Nightmare" I lie. I'm living the nightmare.

"Care to talk about it?" He asks. He always tried to act like a real father after he took me. I was beyond pissed, but I learned to deal with my anger.

"No" I sternly say, grabbing the remote to turn on the news.

"-And back to the kidnapping of 18 year old Jacy Cass. Six years later, predicted to be around 24 years old now, the police say they might have found out where she is hiding, and are now on a hot pursuit to find her..." I can't think correctly, my eyes welling up with tears.

'They know where I am' I look over at my dad, who's face is completely drained of blood. And thats when I got an idea.

"Dad, do you know what this means?" I ask, pretending to be worried and caring for his safety.

"N-no" He stutters.

"They know where we are. They could arrest you and send you to a life sentence! We can't let that happen"

"Then what are we going to do?!" Bingo. Now I got him right in the palm of my hand.

"Heres the plan. You grab anything you need, and pack them up in a bag. Then, you run as far as you can, ok?" His face is covered in a mix of emotions.

"But what about you?" He asks, anger starting to take over

Oh no.

"I'll tell them that I ran away, and that I met someone new, and that they kidnapped me, not you"

"How do I know you're not lying to me?" And thats when I did the unthinkable. I kissed him. Long and hard.

"Listen, I love you more than anything, more than a dad, more than just a partner, as lovers, but I really need you to trust me if you want this to work out, if you ever want us to have a future together" I say, holding his face close to mine before kissing him again.

"O-ok" He gets up and starts packing.

"I love you" He says, kissing me again before leaving. I stand there, shocked.

'This is a trap' I think to myself. So I waited. I waited about 30 minutes, just to make sure he wasn't next to the door. After waiting, I hastily opened the latch and looked around to see if he was anywhere to be seen.


I walk out from behind the door, and run.

I ran as fast as I could, hoping that he was too far way to find me anywhere. I saw people in the far distance.

"HEY! YOU! OVER THERE! HELP! PLEASE!" I scream, grabbing their attention. I bang my chains together, waving my hands around, and they come racing over. When they reach me, looking at me with worry filled eyes, I fall into the man's arms. There were two of them, a man and a women.

"Help me" I cry, sobbing like crazy.

"Ok, ok, it's ok, who are you miss?" The women asks. I look them in the eyes and say,

"My names Jacy Cass, missing since age 18 for six years now age 24. I was kidnapped from my home by my father, Jax Cass. I have a brother, now 19 years old named Jason Cass, a boyfriend of six years named Luke Hemmings, lead singer of the band 5 Seconds Of Summer, and my mother, Emily cass died of brain cancer when I was 18. I've been rapped and beaten badly everyday for the past six years, and gotten pregnant 6 times, but the baby never lasted more than two months due to my beatings and rape. I convinced my dad today that I loved him as a partner, and that he had to escape because the police were after us and that if we could ever be together he had to pack his things and leave, and I would lie to the police and when I got released from the hospital I would run away with him and we could live a life together as lovers. 30 minutes after he left, I escaped and saw you people. Please help me return to my family." I sob, crying out everything I had in me after I tell my story. I don't care If I told them too much, and that some of what I said was useless because after six years, I'm finally free.

Damaged[SEQUEL TO BTNG\\LH UNEDITED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ