Novel of a Vampire 02

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Another chapter! Let's just get into it, shall we?

Ch. II -More than Meets the Eye-

"Class, this is Natsu Dragneel."

Everyone started talking about the boy, called Natsu I guess. The girls started talking about how "Natsu's so cute!" and "I wonder if he'll date me!" I sighed as I heard the chatter. Mr. Gildarts clapped "Class, calm down, this is our new student show him some respect," Gildarts said quite loudly.

Then he said in a quieter tone "Go find a seat." There were plenty of seats open all over the room and it wasn't like he wasn't getting any requests for him to sit next to ogling girls. But where he did sit surprised everyone, including me.

He sat next to me.

On my left he sat down and smiled at me. I didn't trust him though, his smile wasn't exactly friendly, it was more playboy than I liked. I gave him a blank look and then turned away. "Lucy," Gildarts said "Can you show our new student around?"

He stated it like a question but I knew it was more of a command. I just nodded and turned away. Gildarts started talking about news and things that were happening today but I wasn't listening. "So, your name is Luce huh?"

I tried not to answer him but I turned to him "Lucy, and you're Natsu?" he nodded and leaned closer, allowing me to see a tattoo under his right eye. It read "Badboy". "I'm looking forward to spending time with ya' Luce." His smile certainly didn't help me trust him. I leaned back a bit "I'm not, and it's Lucy."

I started getting a little irritated and turned away from him and ignored everything else Natsu said. When the bell rang I got up, threw my bag over my shoulder and walked out of the classroom quickly. I heard someone calling me but I didn't care, I knew who it was. Only one person would be talking to me.

I heard running and a hand on my shoulder and turned to see Natsu "What?" I said bluntly. He seemed taken aback at my outburst but quickly composed himself, his smirk appearing back on his face "You're supposed to be showing me around, remember?"

I sighed and turned away "Where's your next class?" I mumbled. He looked down at a piece of paper in his hand and seemed flustered for a moment as he tried to read it. I smirked, glad this guy could be flustered.

I peered over his shoulder and saw his next class, history, the same as mine. I let out an inaudible sigh and leaned back "History, come on, I'll show you where it is." He looked at me curiously as I walked away.

"What?" I asked and he just shook his head "Nothing." I looked forward again, if he acts like this all the time I might actually not hate him but if that behaviour in homeroom is an often occurrence, let's just say I hope he leaves me alone.

When we reached the classroom for history I walked in and pointed to the front "Go talk to Miss. Mira, she'll help you." I didn't turn to see his reaction and just went to my nice, cosy corner. I plopped my bag on the floor and pulled my hood down a bit, so I could think but the teacher wouldn't call me out.

I heard shuffling around me and whispers but I didn't look, I was happier not knowing. Natsu Dragneel, huh? Sounds fancy but what do I know? He was defiantly acting like a bad boy before but in the hallway he seemed out of his element. Maybe I should try to make that happen more often.

I smiled a bit at my plan, if my plan goes as I want it to it'll have amusing results. I leaned back in my chair a bit, returning my face to it's blank state so no one will have a heart attack screaming "Oh my God she's smiling".

I saw a pink headed idiot shuffle closer to me in my peripheral vision. He leaned even closer and whispered "What's Mira talking about?" I looked at the board as Mira talked about politics in Fiore "Fiore, the place you live in, you dimwit."

I could feel him pouting at me "What about Fiore?" "History, duh you're in history class." I turned away from him just as Miss. Mira called out "Miss. Heartfilia, I hope you're just helping Mr. Dragneel with his notes and not chatting." I swear the teachers hate me in this school.

Though not as much as Natsu hates me because he said "Yes, Miss. Mira, she was just helping me with my notes." I turned to glare at him and saw him smirking at me victoriously. Miss. Mira nodded and continued teaching but I kept glaring at Natsu.

"What do you want?" I asked through gritted teeth. He leaned back and said innocently "Help with my notes, Miss. Heartfilia." he said my name teasingly. This boy better know his place soon, or else he's going to wish he never spoke a word to me.

"Fine, but in exchange you have to let me ask you a question." Natsu leaned forward, curiosity on his face "What?" "Why me?" "What?" he frowned at me but I kept my face blank like always. "You didn't give any of the others students the time of day, you just came straight to me, why?"

"I think that was two questions, Luce." "Well if you had caught it the first time I wouldn't have to ask twice," I snapped and turned away. It was silent for a moment between us before he spoke in a soft voice "Because you looked interesting."

I turned back to him, a glare still on my face "That's it?" He shrugged "I didn't want to sit next to any of the crazed girls and none of the guys looked like they really wanted me next to them and you looked pretty passive, so I went to you." My gaze softened a bit, maybe this guy is more than meets the eye.

"Fine, here," I handed him my notebook "use this for your notes." He smiled hugely at me "Thanks, Luce." He started writing it all down while I mumbled "No problem...Natsu."

I LOVE this so far, it's so fun to write! I hope you guys like it too and as always, arigatou for reading!

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