Novel of a Vampire 04

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Hey guys! Another chapter of NoaV, hope you enjoy it! And, as always, arigatou for reading!

Ch. IV -Levy McGarden-

We went down the stairs to the second floor and it looked like they had repainted the walls. Everything was red, covered in blood.

I gasped at the sight and put my hands over my mouth and nose. The pungent smell of blood hit my nose hard and I almost gagged at how much there was.

I saw a body, twisted at an odd angle. It was a small female body with short blue hair. I wanted to cry at the sight, I knew who it was, the only person besides Natsu to talk to me.

Levy McGarden.

I watched as they took her body away and tried to clear the crowd but I knew I wasn't moving. When one came up to me I glared at them "She was my best friend, give me a moment, would ya?"

My eyes were flaming with anger. Who would do that to Levy? I got a little closer but I didn't want to ruin any evidence of the murderer. I stared at her blood all over the floor, staining my shoes as it continued to spread.

I fell to my knees and heard the splatter of blood as my knees his the floor. I stared at the blood, it's bright red colour, darkening as it dried. How it reflected the light and it just looked so...delicious.

What?! I quickly got up and ran away from the scene, scared of what I had just thought. I pushed away anyone in my way as I ran towards the front of the school, intent on going home. I didn't even mind that my legs were covered in Levy's blood.

When I reached the front I knew I couldn't go home, my parents would wonder why I was home so early. I needed a place where I could sit and mourn in peace. I looked around frantically and just started running, an alley would be fine at this point.

I stopped to catch my breath far from school and jumped when someone touched my shoulder. I quickly turned with my fists raised but whoever it was caught my wrists mid-punch.

I looked down, hiding the tears still falling down my face, showing no sign of stopping. "Luce..." I looked up to see Natsu, he looked paler and he didn't seem winded at all, but that was impossible.

If he had caught up with me he would have to be as breathless as me. "What are you doing here, Natsu?" "What were you doing running?" "I asked first so my question gets answered first."

He sighed and dropped my hands. I unconsciously stepped back a step. "I followed you because...I wanted to make sure you were okay, you seemed pretty messed up." He looked away and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Wha-" "Na uh, my question now." He smirked at me and I wanted to glare at him but I didn't have the energy. "Fine...I was running because I needed some space, who wouldn't after seeing their friend dead in front of them?"

Natsu uncrossed his arms and his eyes widened "She was...oh I'm so sorry Luce." He reached forward to touch me but I shook him off "I have another question." "Shoot."

"How are you not winded? And how did you catch up to me so fast? And-" he put his hand over my mouth and my eyes widened as I looked up at him. He looked at me seriously then seemed a little sheepish.

He removed his hand and looked away "I uh...used to be schools track team, yeah! Track team." I raised my eyebrow at his excuse, it was a lie. He obviously just pulled that out of the back of his mind but I respected people's secrets so I let it slide.

", now can you leave me alone? I would like to mourn in peace, thank you." I turned, wanting to get away from Natsu but he stopped me "Wait-" "What now, you turnip?" I snapped, suddenly mad. I mean, can't a girl get any peace around here?

Natsu looked taken aback but then looked at me seriously "You have to come back to school, you can't skip the rest of school." I think I know how to get out of this.

"Fine," I said "but a bad boy would skip school." I mumbled the last part but I know he heard me by how he stiffened a little. I walked a little in front of him as I waited for my plan to work.

"Fine," he stopped me again "where do you want to go?" I thought about it "Anywhere that's not home or school." Natsu looked up at the sky "Come on, I know the perfect place." He grabbed my wrist and started running.

He was running really fast, maybe this guy was on the track team. When he slowed down we were at a rundown park that looked like it should be a graveyard it was so sad.

A little fenced off area with a few half dead trees and stone benches. I actually really liked it. I stepped into the fenced off area and headed towards a bench.

"What's this place called?" I said as I sat down "Not sure," Natsu sat next to me "but I call it the grave park because I'm pretty sure they meant for this place to be a graveyard but changed their minds last minute."

I looked around, what he said was certainly true. "Maybe...hey, why did you really follow me?" I looked at Narsu to see him flustered "W-What? Can't be worried about my best friend? Maybe I wanted to go on a run? I-"

I cut him off by putting my finger on his lips to shush him, I almost giggled, almost. "Shut up, Turnip, it's nice that you were worried about me." I leaned back on the bench as he pouted at me.

"Turnip? Really? You're calling me Turnip? And I never said I was worried about you." "You did before Turnip," I pointed out and that made him more flustered. I looked with melancholy towards the school.

"Come on you bad boy, let's go back to school." I stood up and started walking with my hands in my pocket. Natsu ran to catch up with me "But I thought we were skipping school?"

I shrugged "Decided there was nothing better to do." We kept walking in silence. I risked a look at Natsu. His tanned skin seemed back to normal. I looked away, this guy is making me question so many things.

Is he really just Natsy Dragneel? Or is he more?

Dun dun duuun! I don't know why I did that but, eh, why not? Hope you enjoyed that and, as always....................arigatou for reading!

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