Novel of a Vampire 09

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Five days.......I'm so sorry, I'll try to update this more often but no promises, I hope you enjoy the chapter anyway!

Ch. IX -Blood and Lunch-

After I finished giving Juvia a quick tour around the school I took her to get a quick lunch before we had to part ways. When we got to the lunch room I let Juvia sit at an almost empty table to wait for me.

When I came back with my food I saw her drinking something that looked like fruit punch. I sat down across from her and saw that she was carefully hidding her mouth from view. I frowned and said "Are you okay, Juvia?"

She just nodded and it was silent. I spoke up again "What is that?" I took a bite of my chicken sandwich and felt my nose curl up at the sour taste. Juvia put her drink down and leaned towards me "It's something Juvia made, Juvia calls it "fake blood" and drinks it instead of actual blood."

When she finished telling me she lifted a side of her mouth and showed me a fang but it looked half formed. She leaned back and took another long drink of her "fake blood". I took a sip of my water "Why did you make it?"

She hesitated "Juvia gets these uges," she half whispered "to drink blood but this halts them for a time before Juvia has to drink real blood." I nodded, what she said made sense. "What will a vampire do if they don't drink blood?"

I couldn't help but ask, my curiosity coming forward and making me ask these questions. Juvia thought for a moment "If a vampire doesn't get blood in time they will die, again." I nodded again, taking another bite while staring at my tray.

I frowned, I found Juvia on the roof at midday, and Natsu has been outside plently of times, but how. I looked up at Juvia from my plate "You can withstand light?" Juvia nodded "Vampires are only weakened by light, the longer they are in light the weaker they will be."

I tilted my head "And you can handle that?" She nodded "Juvia is used to it." I decided to halt my questions and focused on eating. A few mintues later a popular girl and her crew came over. The girl at the front had long black hair with blue tips.

She smirked down at us then looked towards Juvia "You know, you shouldn't be friends with Ms. Creepy over here. One of her friends died and the other left her, anyone who's friends with her is cursed." She put her hands on the table, showing off her overly exposed, though tiny, cleavage.

"So, Blue," the girl said "Why don't you come join us, at least you won't die." Juvia looked at me then stood up, standing a little taller than the black haired girl. "Juvia will do no such thing, Juvia doesn't abandon her friends."

The black haired girl's smirk fell to disgust and a promise of hate "Fine, be a loser, it's not my problem." She walked away, her crew following her, all but one at least. The one that stayed had short white hair and blue eyes.

She came closer "I'm sorry for Maggie's behaviour, she just doesn't get it." The black haired girl, called Maggie, called for the white haired girl and she looked at us sadly. "My name's Lisanna by the way, sorry again."

With that she walked away quickly, hurrying back like a dog with it's tail between it's legs. I stared after her, a slight frown on my face. What was it with this week? At total of three random people have talked to me, is the world ending?

I turned to Juvia and saw her looking at the girls that had asked her to go to them. I sighed and played with my fork on my plate "You can go you know." Juvia turned and looked at me, looking surprised and confused "Why would Juvia do that?"

I shrugged "It's like that girl Maggie said, none of my friends have been having a good week, I don't want you to stay if you don't want to." Juvia looked at me seriously "Juvia would never abandon her friend."

I smiled a bit and looked down. Good to know at least one person is loyal around here. We were silent for the rest of lunch and when we went back up to our floor Juvia suddenly stopped and put a hand over her mouth.

"Juvia is sorry, the smell is too much." Juvia looked up at me, her eyes tinted red then she turned and ran. I hesitated and watched her run away. I shook my head and ran after her "Juvia! Stop!" I ran after her but lost her soon after I left the school grounds.

I looked around "Juvia!" I sighed and picked a random direction and ran. Luckily I ran the right way and found Juvia in an alley. I stopped and slowly inched forward "Juvia?" She turned to me, eyes fully red and fangs long and sharp.

I backed up a second before she sprung at me, biting into my neck. I stared wide eyed at the blue sky above me. I felt her sucking at my neck and I could feel my blood being pulled to that one area. My eyes started to flutter closed but before I could fall limp and unconscious Juvia stepped back.

My blood was dripping from her fangs. I put my hand to the wound and stared blankly at her and saw her suddenly become terrified as I fell to the ground, completely blacked out.

Again super sorry about slow updates :/ Anyway, as always, arigatou for reading!

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