Novel of a Vampire 07

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I'm sorry this is late and kind of rushed. Anyway another chapter! I hope you enjoy it, sorry if it's kind of boring :3

Ch. VII -Secret vs. Secret-

I looked at my phone as I walked towards my house. I shouldn't be thinking about school after the sight I had just seen but I couldn't skip. Another side of me knew they wouldn't blame me, who would?

I couldn't tell them about Natsu but everyone knew about Levy. I stopped and stared at the ground, angry and sad at the same time. Why was this happening? This week started like any other then everything went to hell.

I wouldn't be surprised if someone I know turned into a werewolf, just my luck. I kept walking and saw my house up ahead. I reached my house and contemplated staying home but I decided to go to school.

I got in my car and drove off, trying to be a little fast. I started thinking about good excuses, just in case I needed one. When I reached the school I quickly hurried in and to first period, which was almost over.

When I got inside everyone turned to me and stared. I looked at the teacher, Miss. Mira, and said "I'm sorry for being late, Miss. Mira." She smiled at me sympathetically "It's okay, Miss. Heartfilia, just sit down."

I nodded and sat down, seeing Natsu's seat empty. I looked around and saw him sitting with the popular kids. I watched them curiously, it looked right, seeing him there with them. I looked towards the front again and waited for class to finish.

When the bell rang I slowly got up. I heard a few squeals and looked up to see Natsu surrounded by girls. I caught a bit of what they were saying "I'm so glad you decided to join us," "No one knows why you talked to the girl in the back first." "No one really likes her, the only person who did is now dead so-"

I stormed out of the classroom, trying to not get too angry. Those girls would, have and will do anything to get the attention of a guy, especially one they found cute. I was heading towards the science room when I remembered it was Tuesday.

I turned and headed towards the gym. Our school isn't very well funded in the physical education part of school so you either had gym on Tuesday and Thursday or Monday and Wednesday. Our schedules change quite a bit but we get all of our learning in.

When I got to the gym I saw Mr. Taurus ogling at some girls. I looked down at myself, I'm so glad I wear a hoodie. I went farther in and sneaked over to the side lines, I rarely ever actually exercised in this class but I got away with it.

Taurus was too busy staring at the girls who apparently think that "work out" means strip down to almost nothing and bounce around. I sat and watched as everyone did their warm ups. That's when I noticed that Natsu was there.

I hadn't noticed him sooner because he was on the other side of the gym. I watched him for a moment, thinking about what I had seen this morning. I tried to imagine it, the pale skin and red eyes but he looked so normal now it was almost impossible.

I looked away before he could catch me starting, how could he just be a vampire? I'd ask him but...we weren't exactly on good terms. A voice in the back of my head told me it was my fault in the first place for us not being on good terms but I didn't care.

He's a vampire, how could we be friends?

As the class neared it's end Taurus told us we could relax the last few minutes. I had decided to try and get an answer out of Natsu, even if it was hopeless I might as well try. I got up and started walking over to him but some girls got in my way.

"Excuse me, but Natsu doesn't want to talk to you," one said as she flipped her brown hair over her shoulder. I raised my eyebrow at her though she probably couldn't see it "I want Natsu to tell me that, not one of his fangirls."

She glared at me and the other spoke "Trust us, he's been talking about how terrible you are all day." They both smirked and I looked past them at Natsu. He was watching us; his face showing no emotion. I looked away, what a waste of time this was.

"Fine, but I heard he has lice." I fake whispered, just loud enough for Natsu to hear me. The girls looked at me, kind of scared "Lice?" I nodded "Just be careful." I said before I walked away. That might have been useless but at least they believe me about the lice.

I sat down again, when will this class end? I sighed and looked down a few moments before I heard several people walking over to me. I looked up to see Natsu followed by several girls and guys. I gave him a blank look "What do you want, Turnip?"

A girl was about to defend him but he stopped her and leaned forward "You should be careful Luce, or I might tell everyone what I saw." I was confused about what he meant for a moment then I remembered. He's seen my face.

I tried not to show my distress "You forget, I've seen something too." "Yeah, but who are they going to believe?" I looked around at everyone around him and sighed, standing up. "You're right." He looked taken aback at what I said.

"But it's secret versus secret, which is worse, Natsu Dragneel?" He looked calm but I could tell I had him thinking. "My secret is nothing compared to yours, remember that Turnip." I told him then walked away.

I looked back to see the people around him whispering, wondering what the secrets were. I was satisfied to see Natsu just staring at where I was. I walked out of the gym and headed towards the roof.

Secret versus secret. Vampire versus how I look? What a dumb battle, it's obvious which is worse.

Wow...I honestly didn't know it would turn out like this. I was kind of writing this with a goal in mind then this happened. Yep, well, anyway, as always, arigatou for reading!

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