Novel of a Vampire 17

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This is kind of a mind-mess-with. I don't want to swear XD anyway, this chapter is a little odd but I hope you enjoy it anyway!

Ch. XVII -Controlled-

When I walked out I was in a room of seven people. Four were on couches sitting across from each other. On one couch Sting and Rogue sat, looking pleased.

On the other sat a woman with long black hair and black eyes with red flecks in them. The man next to her had fiery red hair that spiked in all directions. His eyes were amber coloured with red flecks. Both of them had pale skin, like me.

I knew instantly they were both vampires, but they also seemed familiar in a different way. The man stood up, he wore a black suit with a blood red tie "I'm glad you could join us, Lucy Heartfilia."

I glanced at Sting and Rogue, they were looking at me with content smirks on their faces. I looked back at the man and crossed my arms "How do you know me?" He turned and seemed to ignore me when he answered "Now we can continue this meeting, you two already have the money."

Sting nodded and Rogue leaned forward "This is her, obviously, do you want her now or later?" I stayed silent, knowing they wouldn't listen to me anyway. The man looked at me "Now, if you don't mind."

"Not at all," Sting said "Mr. Dragneel." My eyes widened, that name. I looked at the man and woman closely, no way they were Natsu's parents. The woman smiled and laughed "Do you recognise us, dearie? I've heard that our son knows you well."

I cleared my face of emotion, trying not to be obvious "I don't know anyone, personally, by the name Dragneel. The name just seems familiar." The woman stood and walked over to me, her smile widening.

When she reached me she looked me up and down, grabbing my face and making me turn my head "My son chose well." She leaned back, not saying another word. When she turned and walked away I blurted "What does that mean?"

She smirked over her shoulder at me then sat down "You'll know very soon, Ms. Heartfilia." I didn't question her farther, despite my curiosity, knowing it wouldn't get me anywhere. I settled to scowl at the Dragneels with my arms crossed defensively.

The man smirked and walked over to me, grabbing my wrist and pulling me close. Then he leaned close and said straight into my ear "We'll take you now," the he whispered "if you weren't a vampire I'd drink you dry."

My eyes widened and my mouth opened slightly as he leaned back, pulling roughly on my wrist. I flinched, my wrists still slightly raw from the ropes earlier. I glared at him as he pulled me closer to Sting and Rogue.

"We'll be taking our leave now, thank you for the girl," Mrs. Dragneel said as she stood and grabbed my other arm. I could barely move with their strong grips holding me tight. Sting nodded and leaned back "Nice doing business with you, Dragneel."

The Dragneels nodded and pulled me towards the door. I struggled even though I knew it would do me no good. Right before the doors slammed behind me I looked back to see Virgo with a small smile on her face and a single tear sliding down her cheek.


The doors closed and I couldn't see her anymore. I was so shocked I stopped struggling and Mr. Dragneel looked at me strangely "Finally realise you couldn't get out of our grasp, girl?" I didn't answer as I let my head hang, my teeth clenched as I made a silent promise.

Virgo...I will do anything it takes to free you, no matter what it takes.

I looked up to see a limousine waiting for us. I felt silly for making a promise to someone I barely knew but I knew I could trust her, she didn't deserve what she had to endure. I was stuffed into the limo as my head started draining out everything.

No sound. No light. No scents. Just a buzz and my loud thoughts echoing in my head.

What was happening to me? I felt a prick in my neck and I gasped as I felt my energy fading. Suddenly I found it harder to focus, to control my thoughts. The pain went away and I sat in silence and darkness.

I didn't know how long I sat like this but I knew it had to be a while. I opened my eyes, realising they had been closed, and saw the world in a whole new way. It was like it was glassed over, like I was watching a movie. I tried to look around, to speak but nothing came out.

My body sat still, my commands not being answered. Suddenly I heard a loud voice "Lucy, look at me." My body turned and I saw Mr. Dragneel smirking at me "You're in there, Lucy, I can see your will behind your eyes. But no worries, that'll be gone soon."

I suddenly turned again to Mrs. Dragneel "You might know that every pureblood vampire has a power, the Dragneels have one too. Mind control. Soon you'll be just a slave Lucy, like all the others."

I was pulled back out of the limousine suddenly and turned to see a large mansion that looked like it belonged in a horror film. I stared up at it, silent as an owl on the hunt. I looked to the side and saw a man in a suit with glasses over eyes.

His eyes glowed slightly with green but it was green glass. I gasped but my body did nothing. I looked down and realised I could see myself, it was like I was in a cage, looking out of my body like it was a machine.

I walked closer to the "window" that was really my eye. I could see that it was chocolate brown glass. My eyes widened, everyone they mind controlled was like this. I really wish this was just a nightmare.

I looked closely into the eyes of the butler with green glass eyes and saw movement behind them, like something or someone was there. Suddenly Mr. Dragneel blocked my vision "You're a quick learner, Lucy, but for now, sleep."

He raised his hand and snapped his fingers. Before I could process what was happening my body's eyes closed and I fell backwards. I hit the wall and became dizzy. I could hear some movement before I fell into the darkness.

Holy. Chit. Wow, didn't expect that did you? No, no you didn't. Anyway, as always, arigatou for reading!!

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