Novel of a Vampire 11

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Hey! Have you guys been waiting for another chapter for a while? What! It's been five days?! Omg I'm so sorry, okay I'm kidding I know it's been five days I just couldn't help it. Sorry :/

Ch. XI -Am I really a V-V...-

"Lucy, you're a vampire, just like me, your mother and your whole family."

The minute I heard those words everything froze. I knew they were right, all the pieces fit together yet I couldn't begin to believe it.

I stared at nothing, mouth agape. No way I'm a vampire, it made so much sense yet at the same time everything was so much more confusing.

The whole time I was thinking my parents stayed quiet, letting me process this earth shattering news. My mother eventually came closer, moving fast now that she didn't have to hide it "Sweetie, I know this is hard to take in but it's not that bad, we promise."

My father stood and put and arm around her waist while she clung to him, both looking at me, desperately trying to get me to understand. I stood up on shaky knees "I-I-I just n-need some t-time...ex-excuse me."

I lightly pushed them out of the way and walked like a zombie towards my room. When I reached my bed I fell on it without thinking. I stared at the ceiling, spread eagle, still not able to process anything.

Eventually I felt okay enough to start thinking about it, first order of business, come to terms with the fact that I'm a vampire...

Maybe I should start on something smaller.

There are pureblood, half-pureblood and I guess that means there are vampires that are neither, what would they be called though? I'll just call them normal vampires for lack of better term, I'd feel bad about calling them fake or dirty or something.

Okay, I think I can handle that, the different types of vampires. I guess I should figure out the difference between the types. Natsu and Juvia are pureblood which is why they're both vampires. Then my family and I are half-pureblood.

That means we change on our own after we get a little kick, that makes sense. With that I'm going to guess normal vampires are the ones that are bit and have only a few vampires in their family.

I sighed, falling into my bed a bit more. I can do this, I can, I know it. I opened my mouth and formed the first word with my lips "I am a v-v-vam...ugh." I hit my head, angry with myself for not being about to say it.

I glared at the ceiling "I am a vampire." My eyes widened and I covered my mouth with my hands "I said it...I'm a vampire..." I started giggling uncontrollably "I said it!" I grimaced remembering I had to be quiet.

I sighed and tried to calm down, now I had no way to deny it, I am a vampire. I suddenly shot up and looked at the clock, 19:37, too late to go back to school and too early to sleep.

I laid back down and decided to get a goodnight sleep. I turned off my lights and rolled over onto my side. Before I closed my eyes I mentally promised myself to ask Juvia about vampire stuff tomorrow.

• • •

I woke up to the sound of an annoying sound. I groaned and rolled over, slamming my hand on the alarm clock. It shut up abruptly and I sighed in content, preparing to go back to sleep when I remembered my promise.

I shot up and threw my pyjamas off and took the fastest shower known to mankind. When I got out I quickly dried and put on jeans and a tank top. I set my hair up so it didn't look like a rats nest and grabbed my hoodie.

When I was about to leave my room I glanced at clock and saw I still had an hour before I had to go. I sighed as I collapsed on my bed, grabbing my phone and looking at the screen. It was a simple picture of a fairy, it was very pretty.

I smiled and opened my phone to do something and saw my home screen, a red headed girl fighting scary monsters. I smiled even more and opened a game to play before I had to go.

When I looked at the clock and saw I had ten minutes I got up and stuffed my phone in my backpack. I looked over to the window and cautiously walked over to it. I opened the blinds a little bit and a beam of light hit the top of my hand.

I flinched back at the sudden feeling. I stared down at my hand and saw that it was paler than the rest of me. I gaped at my hand and looked at it like I was seeing it for the first time.

I dropped it and shook my head, whispering "School, I have to go to school." I matched out of my room purposefully and walked towards my front door. I tried focusing on what I was going to ask Juvia; I added the hand thing to the list.

"Bye mum! Bye dad!" I shouted before I slammed the front door closed and did a little juggling as I walked to my car with my keys. I unlocked and got in my car and started driving towards school.

When I got there the girl from yesterday came up to me and said "I don't know if you remember me, it's Lisanna, but Juvia told me to tell you she won't be here today..." the white haired girl, named Lisanna, looked at me shyly.

I politely nodded "Thanks Lis," with that I walked away and mentally hit my head, who was I going to ask about vampire shit now? Just as I was thinking about who to talk to I heard someone coming towards me.

"Lucy, we need to talk."

I turned around and saw the last person I wanted to see.

Cliff hanger? I bet you guys know who it is! Anyway, again super sorry about really late updates I just have no motivation or time really. So gomen and arigatou for reading!

Novel of a VampireTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon