Novel of a Vampire 12

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OMG a chapter not 24 hours after the last one! The world is ending, bye guys.

Anyway...this chapter's kind of intense...and you learn quite a bit so enjoy it! I actually wrote this very quickly so sorry if I missed any mistakes.

Ch. XII -Just a Talk-

"Lucy, we need to talk."

I turned around to see the last person I wanted to see. Natsu Secret-Vampire Dragneel.

I crossed my arms and glared at him "What do you want?" I could see him deflate a bit when he sighed "You're seriously still mad at me?" I turned, giving him the cold shoulder.

I heard him sigh again and a few moments later I was spun. I closed my eyes on instinct. When I opened them Natsu was right in front of me, locking my arms in front of me. His face was so close I could feel his breath on my face.

I flinched back but didn't get far with Natsu practically holding me captive. Let me fix that, he was holding me captive. He was staring at me very seriously, more seriously than I'd ever seen him.

I stayed perfectly silent, my breathing slowing almost to a stop, as I waited for him to speak. He closed his eyes, sighed and put his forehead against mine. I stiffened and my eyes widened.

I whispered "U-Um, what are you-?" One of his hands moved up to my shoulder "Shh, can I just...enjoy this?" I frowned a little at that. He was enjoying this? I waited a moment before I asked "Enjoy-" I was cut off my a quick pair of lips on mine.

My eyes widened as I stared at the pink haired man in front of me. He leaned back quickly, his serious face returning. His onyx eyes stared into mine; that's when I realised I was against the lockers. No where to run.

I stared at Natsu, not sure if I should let my fear take over or my curiosity. I saw the ghost of a smile on Natsu's lips "Sorry for that, take it as me telling you to shut up." I glared a little bit but didn't say anything.

Natsu's smile completely disappeared "Luce," he leaned closer, whispering "I know I've been know, for a while but last night my parents told me about Juvia"

How perfectly convenient, my parents told me stuff about being a vampire the same time his parents told him about me. I swallowed and decided to act stupid "What about me?"

He put his arm on one side of my head, a move meant to intimidate me though I was more calm now and it didn't affect me as much as he thought it would. "You're a vampire, Luce, and I know you know it. But that's not why I'm here."

I frowned, if it wasn't about vampires, then what could it be? He saw my confusion easily and leaned back "Come on, let's go to the roof. That way no one can hear us."

I just nodded and let Natsu grab my wrist and take me to the roof. A thousand thoughts were swarming through my mind. Like, how do his parents know about my family? For that matter, how did my parents know about the Dragneels?"

What does Natsu want to talk to me about if it isn't about us both being vampires? I had no idea so I just stayed silent and decided to wait for him to give me answers.

When we got to the roof Natsu and I flinched at the sudden light. I saw Natsu glance at me sideways, signalling that he saw the flinch. I took my hand out of his grip and leaned again the bars, crossing my arms "What is it Turnip?"

"Still with the nickname?" I saw him smile a bit as he looked away from me. I looked the other way "You have a problem with it?" "Nope," He grinned at me toothily "I like it."

I shook my head and muttered "Of course you do, Turnip." Natsu's smile faded "Anyway, to what I was going to talk to you about." I turned my head slowly to him, trying not to show how interested I was.

He stared at the sky behind me, looking like he was in a day dream. I waited, my patience starting to near its end. Finally he spoke "There's a war coming." I stood up straight, uncrossing my arms "What do you mean war?"

He turned to me "A big war, it's outcome will lead to which race survives." I frowned, wanting to ask a hundred questions but let him talk. Natsu turned away again "As you probably know, there are three types of vampires."

"A pureblood, like me, a half-pureblood, like you, and a normal vampire. I'm sure you know the differences too so I won't go into detail. Anyway, there are tons of these vampire but they aren't really here..."

I couldn't hold myself back when I blurted "Aren't here? What does that mean?" He put a hand up to stop me. "They're in a different world, where this war is constantly going on."

"A different-" "Don't interrupt me," he sounded hostile then pleading "please?" I nodded and stayed quiet. "As I was saying, in this different world they are constantly at war, always fighting. Fighting over who's the more dominant race."

He paused and looked at me "In this world they have a king and queen, on both sides." I nodded, telling him I understood. "Luce...I'm the heir to the vampire throne."

My eyes widened and I stuttered "W-What? H-How?" "My parents ran away from the crown before they got married because my grandfather wouldn't let my father marry my mother. So they ran here and got married and had me."

"So...I don't know what to say, why are you telling me this?" He grabbed my shoulders, shaking me a bit "They're after me Lucy, they found out about me and now they're coming for me."

"Who?" "My grandfather, I heard a few rumours that he wants me to marry a pureblood McGarden and two, he's after you too." I was shocked frozen. McGarden...that was Levy's last name, she was a vampire?

I pushed that aside and almost yelled "What does he want from me?!" "Be quiet, Luce, geez. Well, the rumour said that the Heartfilia's betrayed the crown when they, too, ran away with my parents."

I wanted to believe that this week couldn't get any weirder but I knew it was going to.

Omg intense, and yes, Levy McGarden herself is coming back but you'll learn more about that next chapter. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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