Novel of a Vampire 03

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Another chapter of NoaV! I hope you enjoy and as always, arigatou for reading! *waves*

Ch. III -Red-

History class, done. I got up and headed towards my locker to quickly drop off my book. As always it was only one class in and I already felt like hell was having a party around me. I prepared myself for the rest of the day as I stared into my locker. I just forgot one thing, again.

"Hey! Where are you going?"

I turned and saw Natsu right in my face, I'd blush but why would I blush about a turnip like him? "My locker, don't you have one?" I said blandly. He shook his head and leaned on the locker next to me. I knew what he was going to say before he said it.

"Can I have this one?" He pointed to the locker he was leaning on and I prayed he wouldn't get that locker but just my luck the principal was doing his daily rounds and he stopped next to us "Oh! Are you the new student?"

Natsu nodded "Natsu Dragneel, sir." Natsu said as I contemplated hitting my head against my locker and groaning but I couldn't do that in front of Principal Makarov. The principal put out a hand "Nice to meet you boy, just tell me if you need anything alright?"

Natsu nodded then said "Thanks gramps, I actually need a locker and I was wondering if I could have this one," he again pointed to the one next to me and Makarov nodded "Of course, I'll get you the combination."

The old man scurried off and Natsu smiled at me "Where's my next class?" I glared at him and wanted to say "in hell" but I just put my hand out and actually said "Schedule." He handed it to me muttering "You could say please you know..."

"Well you could've left me alone, you know," I answered and looked at the paper in my hand. Social Sciences, yes, I have Science now. I smiled a little as I handed him back his paper "I didn't know you could smile, Luce."

Bye smile, it was great having you for two seconds. "I don't, anyway," I leaned on my locker "you have Social Sciences, down that way, second door on the left," I pointed down the hallway. He looked where my finger was pointing then turned back to me "And you?"

I lowered my head a bit to hide the small smile on my face "Science, that way," I pointed in the other direction as a girl with lilac hair and glasses came and handed Natsu a piece of paper "That's your locker code, don't lose it," she said and walked off.

I watched as she left then turned to Natsu right as he opened his locker. He put his stuff away and started to walk away but turned back towards me "Where do I go after that?" I knew what I had to say but that didn't mean I wanted to say it. I sighed and said "Stay outside the door, I'll find you there."

He smiled and moved his arm like he wanted to do something but let it drop to his side and said "Thanks Luce, for everything." He was gone before I could ask him what "everything" meant.

I had only helped him with classes and his locker, what else could there be? I shook my head and turned towards Science. Maybe that turnip and I could be friends. I turned to see that he was fighting with a raven haired guy, Gray. I sighed and looked forward again, nope, defiantly not friends.

After Science and wishing my teacher could stop drinking and actually teach, I dropped by my locker to drop everything off. I sighed as I headed towards the SS (Social Sciences) room through a wave of students. I'm pretty sure I got coughed on twice and sneezed on at least once.

I reached the door and leaned on the wall next to it while I waited for Natsu to come out. When he did I grabbed him and stopped him before he could go right past me. He looked at me startled for a minute then smirked, though it seemed fake.

I frowned as he said "Heya Luce," "Hi," I said slowly and looked at the other students as the wave started to thin. I looked back at Natsu, he had his schedule out, smirk completely gone. I looked over and read it while it was upside down "Free," he looked up at me as I leaned back and looked at him "Same as me."

He smiled "Where do you usually go for your free class?" "Rooftop, but you can go anywhere," I said, hoping he'd go and leave me alone. He shrugged "Rooftop sounds fine to me." I tried not to let my disappointment show in me face.

I turned and gestured for him to follow me "Come on then, let's not waste our free time." When we got up to the rooftop I sat where I usually did, to the left and leaning against the bars surrounding the roof. Natsu followed me and sat next to me.

It was quiet for a while before I remembered how fake his smirk had looked before "Outside the SS room you faked a smile, why?" I looked at him and he seemed surprised by the question. He started stuttering, something way out of his character "U-Um...well, I-I uh..."

I smiled a bit "Spit it out, turnip." He looked at me with a raised eyebrow "Turnip?" I nodded and he made a "hmph" sound, looking away. My smile got a little bigger but I doubted my eyes showed it "Seriously, why?" I looked towards the horizon.

The sun seemed hotter than usual, odd. I started thinking about why when Natsu said "Because since I just changed schools I kind of want that reputation, you know?" "Reputation of a bad boy? You're doing it all wrong."

He looked at me curiously "What would you know about bad boys?" I felt like blushing but my face didn't flame up like it usually would "I-I read a lot of b-books..." Natsu burst into laughter as I glared at him "Fine, continue being a failed bad boy, not like I care."

I turned away and felt Natsu pull on my arm "Oh don't be like that, Luce, tell me!" I sighed "Fine, but don't touch me," I ripped my arm out of his grasp and thought for a moment. "Break a lot of girls hearts, go against the rules, it's not that hard."

I looked at him and realised how close our faces were. My breathing hitched a little before he leaned back and put his hand on his chin in thought. "I can do that, anything else?" He looked at me eagerly. "Uh...not talking to me would help..." I mumbled and looked away.

He leaned closer "Huh? What was that?" "Nothing!" My head shot up and I looked at my phone for the time "We should get back for our next class soon." I got up and Natsu stood up next to me "Yeah, come on."

We went down the stairs to the second floor and it looked like they had repainted the walls. Everything was red, covered in blood.

Wow, blood. Everywhere. What will Lucy and Natsu do? Guess you'll have to find out :3 and as always, arigatou for reading!

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