Novel of a Vampire 14

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Another chapter! Omg this is the 14th chapter, doesn't sound like a lot but with about 1,000 words per chapter that's a lot and I want to thank you guys for the support. A special someone actually voted on the last chapter immediately after it was put up.

So this is dedicated to that person: @EsraaNaaman <- might have spelled that right

Ch. XIV -I'll Explain-

Levy sat up, groaning as she held her head in her hands. I looked at her closely, the only thing different about her was her very pale skin. Everything else looked the same though I don't know what I was expecting.

Red eyes, paler hair, pale skin, you know, scary looking. But here she was, looking better than ever. She looked around and her eyes caught mine. She instantly sat up straight and her eyes widened "L-Lu-chan! W-what are you-"

I cut her off with a hug "Calm down Levy-chan, you just woke up." She hesitates then hugged me back "Lu-chan, you know then?" I nodded into her shoulder. She relaxed and hugged me tightly.

When she leaned back I moved out of the way for her parents. They weren't crying but they were obviously overjoyed to see their daughter a live and well, actually, cut out the a live part.

After Levy finished hugging her parents she swung her short legs over the side of the casket and jumped out. She wobbled a bit and I instantly grabbed her. She smiled at me and stood straight "Thanks, Lu-chan."

My eyes widened slightly with shock and whispered "You can do that too?" She laughed a little and nodded "I'll tell you once we get out of here, okay?" I nodded and waited to the side of the room as Levy did the rest of her greetings.

I looked around for the guy I saw earlier. The one with long black hair and probably fifty piercings. Though he was no where to be found and I made a mental note to ask Levy about him later.

After Levy had talked to everyone, who congratulated her on her "awakening" she came over to me with a big smile. She leaned back a little bit and looked over me "You? In a dress?"

I scratched the back of my head "Well...I'm not completely dressed up." I lifted my dress skirt a bit to reveal black converse. Levy laughed "I should've known." She smiled at me then it faded and she became sheepish.

"Guess I have a lot to explain, huh?" I crossed my arms and nodded. I wasn't mad at Levy for hiding her secret, I would've done the same thing. I patiently waited, wondering what all Levy had to say.

When she looked like she was about to start she looked around and suddenly grabbed my arm "Come on, let's talk somewhere else." I nodded and followed Levy to the adjoining room.

We went to a secluded looking corner and Levy took a deep breath "Okay, geez where do I start? Well, I knew a long time ago that I was a vampire, a pureblood one. My parents told me before I could fully comprehend it, which was probably a good idea on their part."

I nodded and leaned against the wall, preparing for a long speech. "They told me that all pureblood vampire have a special power that only their family can use. Which is why I can telepathically tell you things."

I remembered Juvia's power, being able to read people well. "Anyway, I should tell you how I died. I was at school, putting my books away and when I looked around the hallway had been empty and I realised I was late. When I started running to catch class something or someone hit me from behind."

She paused for a moment, looking like she was trying to remember something "I felt blood all over my back and I fell, face first, to the ground. After that the only thing I remember is a few random thoughts from other people wondering about me. Then I woke up today, I still have no idea who killed me."

I nodded again "Sounds scary." She nodded and I got up off the wall "Hey, Levy-chan, do you know anyone with long black hair and a lot of piercings?" She suddenly looked nervous and she avoided my gaze "N-No..." I smirked a little "Oh come on, we both know that's a lie."

She quickly shook her head and I sighed "Well, then a random stranger paid the hall owner to extent the time so you could wake up." I could see Levy's blush even though she was looking almost straight down.

I laughed lightly "What's his name?" I asked jokingly. Levy looked up at me, no longer embarrassed but scared. "He's...not a vampire." I nodded but Levy shook her head "But he's no human either."

I frowned "Then what could he-" "Be quiet! He's a...werewolf..." my eyes widened then I frowned again "What's wrong with that?" Levy sighed "Vampires and werewolves are at war, we're forbidden to love each other."

I started to nod then I stopped and smirked "Are you in love Levy-chan?" She put her hands up in front of my face to shush me "I said be quiet!" She whisper yelled. She stepped back and sighed.

"I don't know what to do, Lu-chan...I think I'm in love but it's forbidden." I patted her shoulder "I will help you Levy-chan, I promise." She smiled sadly at me "Pinky promise?"

She lifted her pinky finger shyly and I immediately grabbed it with mine "Pinky promise." We smiled at each other just as Levy's parents walked in "Come on dear, we have to go home now."

I stepped away from Levy and headed towards the door "Bye, Lev!" She waved and I waved back as I walked out onto the well lit street. I looked up at the sky and sighed.

Vampire and now werewolves, what's next? Zombies?

That's all for this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it! Arigatou for reading!

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