Novel of a Vampire 05

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Hey guys! Hope you're excited for another chapter of Novel of a Vampire! Anyway, as always, arigatou for reading!

Ch. V -Friends?-

When Natsu and I reached our school we saw it had been closed down for investigation. I also saw that many of the emergency vehicles were gone. I looked at Natsu "Have a way home?" He didn't answer for a minute then looked at me "No."

He suddenly looked sheepish "I still haven't got my license and I have my cousin drive me around or I walk." I nodded "Well..." I looked away "I have a car, you want a ride?" I looked back at him and was surprised to see so happy he was.

Who was his cousin? Who'd make him that happy not to ride with them? I frowned at Natsu as he nodded with a giant grin on his face "Thanks, Luce." I sighed and headed towards my car "Hope you don't mind that it's in the back."

Natsu skipped next to me "No problem." I stared appalled at Natsu, to think this guy wanted to be a bad boy. "Hey, Turnip, stop being such a weirdo, I thought you wanted to be a bad boy?"

He looked at me as we approached my car "Yeah, but there's no one around so I can be myself." I shook my head "This isn't a movie Turnip, you don't have to act." He shrugged "I want to, so only my friends know the real me."

I looked down and went to my side of the car, friends? With Turnip? We just met, I don't know anything about the guy. I shook my head and waited for Natsu to get in. When he did I started the car and left the school parking lot.

It was quiet for a while before I realised I had no idea where I was going. "Hey, where do you live?" I glanced at Natsu before looking at the road again. He leaned forward "Turn left, and it's right there."

I was surprised by how close we were as I drove up to the house. It wasn't huge but it wasn't small either. I looks better than my place. I shook the melancholic thought away and watched as Natsu got out.

He leaned down and looked at me before he closed the door " you want to come inside for a minute? It's not like there's much to do without school." I turned off the car and started getting out but said "I could be busy you know."

I got out and stood next to him after closing my door. He smirked at me "But you aren't." I didn't answer as he took me inside. When I got inside I was surprised, the place looked bigger on the inside than it did from the outside.

I looked around, whoever did the interior obviously knew what they were doing. I wandered farther in and found myself in the living room. A large TV sat above a fireplace, which was lit, and a couch and a few love seats sat in a half circle around it.

I sat on the large couch and looked at Natsu as he followed me "Is someone home?" He shook his head and sat next to me "No, there's rarely anyone here. Both of my parents have long hours at their jobs and I'm usually at school so," he shrugged.

I looked curiously at him "You're an only child?" He nodded and turned the TV on to a random show I didn't know. I leaned back and relaxed next to Natsu.

It was quiet for a while, just the buzzing of the TV before Natsu looked at me. "How are you not hot in that hoodie of yours?" I looked at him "Huh? Oh, I don't really notice it."

He frowned at me and sat up straighter "I don't really know how you look, can you lower your hood?" I blinked a couple times, I didn't want him to see me. "Um...well, why would you really need to? It's not like it's important what I look like." I started mumbling by the end.

"But Luce," he whined, looking like a sad puppy "I don't even know the colour of your hair!" "So?" I answered, trying to get him to drop the subject. "Come on! I don't want to know you as the hoodie that talks!"

I didn't budge "No, I'm not going to- ah!" Natsu jumped at me and threw my hood down. My eyes widened for a second before I reacted and looked down, covering myself with my blonde hair.

"Wow Luce..." he trailed off, looking at me, surprised. "Stop looking! I didn't want you to see me!" I pushed him and got up, trying to run to the bathroom or any room with a lock really.

He caught up to me easily with that weird running speed of his and he grabbed my wrists, making me look at him. I looked down but he put a hand on my chin and made me look him in the eye.

He seemed to be examining me, probably to go brag about it tomorrow, I still didn't know if I could trust this guy! "Why do you care so much about people seeing you, Luce?" He let go of me.

I looked down and away "Because...I haven't clearly shown my face since elementary school." He stared at me appalled "R-Really?" he whispered and I nodded. He stepped back "But why? You're..." he trailed off and I looked up at him, angry now.

"Why do you even care?! Why did you even have to talk to me?! My life was fine and then you barged in and now you know something no one else in our school knows! Why don't you just go and be the bad boy you wanted to be?!"

I yelled at him, pushing him farther and farther back as I pointed angrily at him. He put his hands up in defence but I kept pushing him back until he fell on the couch. When I stopped yelling he looked at me with wide eyes "L-Luce..."

I glared at him "Listen, Turnip, you belong with the popular people, they should be your friends, not me. I don't need any friends," I mumbled the last part and looked down, not wanting to look him in the eye.

I headed towards his door. "Wait! Luce!" I turned and saw Natsu behind me "Why...why are you leaving?" "I'm not a good friend Natsu, I mean, just today my only other friend died." "That wasn't your fault!" "But I wasn't there, Natsu, there's a reason I don't have friends, just leave me alone from now on, okay?"

He stayed silent as my face softened a bit "You deserve better than me." I leaned in and kissed his cheek "Go be the bad boy you wanted to be." I patted his arm then turned and walked out of his house. I got in my car and started it, looking back at the house.

Natsu was no where to be seen, I sighed, I didn't expect him to be. Natsu...

That was kind of sad ;-; they're no longer friends! Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and as always, arigatou for reading!

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