Novel of a Vampire 16

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I'm sorry it's been six days I've been really stressed and I couldn't get around to it, I hope you enjoy this anyway

Ch. XVI -In the Dark Room-

I heard voices. They sounded urgent or worried but I couldn't decide which, maybe both. I couldn't move and I was in complete darkness. The voices seemed far away, like I was only eavesdropping on them.

I couldn't hear what they were saying but it was obviously an important subject. I decided to stay quiet until I could properly function. Suddenly a blinding light hit my eyes and I shut them closed, feeling my skin heat up at the sudden brightness.

I squinted as I opened my eyes and saw that the light was the only thing in the room, everything else was black. I looked away from the light and as I turned I could feel ropes on my ankles and wrists. I tried to move more, to see how tight they were.

With how loose they were tied, they obviously thought I was nothing more than a nuisance. I sighed and looked down at myself to see that I was no longer wearing my black dress.

I was now wearing a skin tight black suit with a belt that had notches for items but they were empty. I frowned, why would someone put in something that look like spy gear? I realised my hair was tied back in a pony tail and, except for my face, I was completely covered.

I shifted, making an annoyed sound directed at the uncomfortable chair beneath me. I tried to look towards the light but I couldn't see anything past it. I looked away, the light starting to burn my eyes.

I slowed my breathing and tried to collect my thoughts. I was captured and I was now in a closed off room. I remembered going into my house and seeing the two men, Rogue and Sting.

They had punched me. I twitched my face to find that I felt no pain, I could feel dried blood on my face but that was the only clue that I had bled at all. Suddenly I heard a door open and slam, though I could see no light I knew it was the door to my cell.

I acted asleep as I heard a pair of footsteps walking towards me. I knew it was Sting and Rogue, I just knew it had to be them. I could hear them whispering but I couldn't hear them. Suddenly I was grabbed and forced to look up into bright blue eyes.

They were crinkled slightly, telling me the person was smirking but I was too close to see it. He leaned back, quickly pushing me. I fell backwards and almost to the floor when he grabbed the strap of my shirt, making me tilt "Are you awake Heartfilia?"

I glared at Sting as he pulled me back to my original position and didn't say anything. Sting mockingly pouted "Oh, little Miss Heartfilia is ignoring me now? How could you hurt me so?" He sounded like a bad actor, the way he held out his syllables.

I still didn't say anything as the other one walked forward "Fine, don't talk, just makes our job easier. We're taking you to the vampires," Rogue smirked "they gave a good price for you, I wonder what they could want with you."

Sting let out a low chuckle and winked at me "It's understandable with a bod like yours." I made a disgusted sound and they laughed. "Looks like she doesn't like the idea, Rogue." Rogue shook his head "Too bad she'll have to get used to it when we turn her over."

I suddenly blurted "Why are you doing this?" They seemed surprised at my sudden burst then Sting leaned forward "Because this is our job, Heartfilia." Rogue nodded "We're hired workers, we do anything for the right price."

I whispered "Mercenaries." They nodded and Rogue looked towards where they came from "We should go meet our guests Sting, they'll be here soon." I had a pretty good guess what "guests" could be, the vampires.

String gave me one last push and they left. I sat and waited, trying to entertain myself but failing. The time ticked on and I tried not to panic, I couldn't do anything right now, freaking out wouldn't help.

I calmed myself, stopping my breath. I tried to think about why the vampires would want me but I couldn't figure it out, it wasn't like I was unique or anything. I stared up, at the dark ceiling.

What about me would be special enough for both vampires and werewolves to hunt after me?

Suddenly I heard the door open again and I looked down to see a woman with chains around her wrists and she was wearing a maid costume. I blinked a couple of times at how bizarre she looked, she even had pink hair.

We both stayed quiet until she bowed "I'm here to pick you up for my masters." I nodded and shifted myself as much as I could do she could easily free me. I watched her as she untied my ropes "What's your name?"

I asked as I rubbed my wrists after they had been freed. "Virgo, I work for my masters Sting and Rogue." I nodded blankly, staring off into space. "Why?" I said, not thinking about if she would answer me or not. She was quiet for a moment.

Then she looked up at me "They captured me, much like they did you. The one that was looking for me decided I wasn't worth the money he offered anymore and these two kept me to make up for the wasted time."

I glared slightly "That's rude of them," she shrugged as she stood up "I don't mind." She held out a hand and I took it as I stood up, I wobbled but thankfully could still walk. She led me towards the door and when she opened it I saw a room full of people.

They all turned to me and one stood up and said "I'm glad you could join us, Lucy Heartfilia."

So this was more filler than anything else but I still enjoyed it. Sorry for any mistakes I'm rushing 💃 and arigatou for reading!

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