Car Crash

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Instagram- @/senlyyn
Rowan's POV
I'm so excited! Tonight's the night that will hopefully be one to remember! I hurry up to my room to get ready. I take a shower, then start picking my clothes. About a half hour later, I finish trying on all my options and settle with a dark purple lace dress, a black, sparkly cardigan, short, cute, leather boots and I curl my hair and add the sweet, heart necklace Peyton gave me on our first date. I looked at myself in the mirror and confidence pumped through my blood. I kept telling myself Peyton would like it. This is my chance.
Peyton's POV
I'm excited for tonight. It's my date with Rowan and I've bought her a dainty turquoise bird necklace encrusted with diamonds. Turquoise is he favourite, so hopefully she'll love it. But if she's taught me anything, it's that you can't win a heart with anything but love. I hurry upstairs to get ready. I take a shower and put on a blue shirt, trousers, suade (sorry if it is spelt wrong) shoes and a black jacket. I gel my hair to the side and head downstairs with a spring in my step.
Rowans POV
Peytons mum offered to pick me up but I remembered that he told me she was preparing for a huge meeting and I guessed she was just being polite. I just asked my driver to take me to his house. Excited yet nervous, I hopped into the car and I was on my way to reignite our once flaming love. (Cheesy I know). But questions still swam through my mind. What would we talk about? What if he tried to kiss me? Would it be the same magical feeling as our first kiss? What if-
Peytons POV
Rowan hasn't shown up yet. She should've been here half an hour ago and I'm worried, but suspicious. She won't answer my texts either. She couldn't have ditched our date, could she? That's not like her. Perhaps she's cheating on me? I instantly shook the thought from my head and switched on the tv to take my mind off all these ideas and pass the time. Oh, just boring politics... I was about to turn it of to text Rowan again, when her face popped up on the screen. "Rowan Blanchard, best known for her roles in popular TV show Girl Meets World and Spy Kids 4, has been involved in a tragic car crash. According to witnesses, the car tumbled three times before crashing into a tree. The driver reportedly escaped before it hit the tree, but Rowan remained trapped. She has been rushed to the (sorry I don't know the name of American hospitals) _______ hospital. We pray for her survival." I switched off the TV. My mind seemed to shut down as I slid off the sofa. I took back every bad thing I thought about her in those moments before.

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