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"Corey? And Peyton?" Peyton walked in and kissed my cheek.
"Oh, uh, hi Rowan."
"Hi, what are you doing here?" My mind couldn't handle him being here whilst my brother was dating my best friend who Corey presumably still loves. I had tried my best to forget all the past to stop it from adding onto my stress, and him being here was not helping.
"I came to talk to Sabrina."
"She's not here." I felt myself go into a trance-like state.
"Are you sure about that?"he asked, with a disbelieving look. I shrugged, before he barged past me to the living room. Peyton took my hand and led me after him. I wish I didn't witness Corey's heartbroken face when he saw Logan and Sabrina laying there. To make things worse, Sabrina was now facing him- kissing his jaw line. She eventually pulled away and turned round to see Corey's broken face. Instantly, her expression turned from shock to upset. She leapt out of Logan's arms and ran to embrace Corey. She wrapped her legs around his middle and they started making out.
"Get a room,"Peyton mockingly yelled, whilst Logan gave me a confused look.
A few seconds later, Corey pulled away and pushed her off with a hurt set in his face. He turned away, ashamed of giving in to her.
"Corey?" She placed her hands under his chin and tilted it towards her face. "I'm so sorry." Tears rolled like marbles down her cheeks.
"D...did you guys kiss?" Sabrina stayed silent. "Then I've lost you."
" haven't! Please Corey." By now she was gripping onto his shirt whilst he lay one hand hovering above her back, before finally deciding to place it there.
"But you...and him?" Corey bow looked utterly bewildered.
"I th...thought something was going in between you and Rowan whilst I was gone. There was some sort of indistinguishable new bind between you two." I instantly felt my face heat up as Peyton took his arm from around my waist and stood in front of me.
"Rowan?" I looked up and Peyton dipped his head to stare into my eyes. "Is this true?"
"It was all me!" Corey interrupted. "All me, I'm sorry..."
"But you don't love her?" Sabrina asked.
"" Corey replied. "Do you love him?" I saw Sabrina glance at Logan and they exchanged nods. It was possible to love two people at the same time, but you're with the one you can't live without.
"I love you,"she stroked his cheek.
"Promise." She hopped up to kiss his quickly on the lips before turning to Logan, who was watching the scene play out with an amused smile on his face.
"Can we talk?"she asked him.

Sabrina's POV
"I'm sorry Logan."
"Its cool, you've ways been the little sister type to me anyways."
"You mean that?"
"Course I do, I knew you'd probably end up with that dude anyway."
"So we're good?"
"Well in that case..." I jumped onto Logan's back as he tried to buck me off. I giggled and squealed when I came close to being thrown off. He chuckled and set me down as I remembered when he used to do that to Rowan and I when we were little. Rowan came in and rushed into his arms as I went over to Corey.

Rowan's POV
"Are you ok?"he asked-out of breath.
"I mean like okay okay, after what happened."
"I have highs and lows, I'm trying to make my mind believe everything is normal and I can succeed, but sometimes it all comes flooding back to me and that's when I have my lows. But I know as long as I have my friends, I'm never alone." I shifted my gaze to the corridor where my friends and boyfriend stood with reassuring smiles on their faces. I smiled back and Peyton stepped forward to put his arm around me.
"You'll always have us."

So ok, these are the last few chapters of this story, I'm gonna miss it :(

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