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( Do you like my edit? No? Ok.. I know it's basic and crap)
Sabrina's POV
I rush up to the doctor, demanding to know if my best friend was alive or not.
"Well," the doctor said. "She's...
(A/N Sorry, I know that was a terrible attempt at suspense)
Rowan's POV (ooh...!)
I wake up to find myself staring at someone in a bed. They looked fragile and limp and- wait? That's me! With cuts and bruises- oh... What happened? Then I remember. The date. The crash. The hospital. My friends...
Just as I thought of the last bit, Sabrina rushed into the room crying.
"You're still alive Rowan! Hang in there!" She grabbed my arm in excitement. I cried out with pain as she accidentally grabbed a bruise on my arm.
" Stop! Sabrina! I ache all over, please!"
She couldn't hear me! I was so confused, so I just fell back in to pain and unconsciousness.
Sabrina's POV
As I grabbed her arm, Rowan's eyes shot open. This earned an excited look from both Corey and Peyton. They rushed to her side. "Rowan?" She showed no other signs of movement. The doctor behind me spoke up- making me jump.
" This often happens in a coma- means nothing,"
Disappointed, I burst into tears and Corey escorted me out, so Peyton could be alone with Rowan and the doctor.
Rowan's POV
I regain consciousness again to find Peyton by my side. Great, he was gonna say that he wanted to break up, that he didn't love me anymore. Oh, if only we had that date! We could've been happy again! But the first thing that came out, was the opposite of that. Unexpected...He said he deeply loved me. Woah. I wasn't expecting that.
" You look so beautiful and innocent, this should never have happened to you... I...I feel like we're drifting apart," he continued, " that everyday we're not as close, and I'm so sorry." Tears trickled down his cheeks. It pained me to see him like this. I tried to close my eyes, but I was stuck outside my body. The world must want me to be in pain.Damn.
" I've just been so busy! With my new movie and GMW I had no time for you, or dates and I'm sorry. I should've put you first. But... if you do wake up from this coma, I promise that it will never be like that again because, I quit the movie..." I gasped, he was so excited about that movie, it's all my fault. All my fault. With that, he left- presumably home as it was dark outside. I thought about this whole situation. My friends were being emotionally torn by this coma. It's all my fault. I just wished I could wake up and everything will be alright again!
Sabrina's POV
I trembled as I crept to Rowan's room. Corey was in the bathroom and I knew he would want to come with me to make sure I didn't faint again. So I had to creep away to have some alone time with Rowan.
"Rowan, we've been best friends forever and-" Ugh, Corey burst through the door.
"Sabrina! You should've waited!"
"Go! I yelled, "Please! Just let me be alone with her!" My knees buckled and I fell into the chair next to Rowan's bed. Corey left without saying a word. Good. I think...
" I just wish I could hug you but...I know you're too fragile and... Oh Rowan!" I sobbed, " I need you! We all need you! You're a huge part of our lives! When we're sad, you cheer us up, when we're confused or worried, you give us great advice! See! We need you awake!" I caught my breath, as a doctor sashed in and checked her chart. He looked worried, and slightly upset.
"What is it?" I asked- slightly confused.
" The charts have made no progress- it doesn't look like Miss Blanchard will wake up from this coma I'm afraid." I couldn't believe it... My mouth opened and I let out a devastating scream. I screamed until my throat went raw...
Corey's POV
I was flipping through magazines, when I heard an ear-piercing scream. Worried, I ran to Rowan's room to find Sabrina on the floor- screaming. I was instantly at her side. Asking what was wrong.
"Ask him!" She shouted- pointing at the nearby doctor-ignoring Sabrina.
"The charts have made no progress- it doesn't look like Miss Blanchard will wake up from this coma I'm afraid."
"Oh, Rowan," I cried. "You are too loved to die! Even people you've never met love you! You can't die now! No! You have so much potential!-"
"End of visiting hours now." Said the doctor. "Goodbye."
I looked at Sabrina on the floor and put my hands on her waist and she put hers around my neck as I lifted her up.
Rowan's POV
I watched as Corey put Sabrina on his back. I saw a wet patch on his shoulder where she was crying. I smiled at how cute they were as he took her home. (A/N in a cab)
- I've got a new maze runner story up too so check it out!(please) it's called- The Maze Runner Thomas
- I know that was a bad chapter-bye!!

Reyton | A love storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora