Where's Sabrina?

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Credit to Mooshroom16  for the basic idea of this chapter. Xx I'm so sorry for taking so long to update, but I couldn't find the time. But I've used some of my spare time reading more, so I have some ideas!
Peyton's POV
I woke up and was heading to the hospital when I got a call from Corey.
"Please tell me Sabrina's with you right?"
"Uh no, why?"
"Her mom said that she hasn't seen her since last night and I've searched all her favourite places! The pizza parlour, the ice-cream parlour, the waffle parlour, the arcade, the park and the fried chicken parlour! You know, I think this area has too many parlours..." (If you got that reference I will love you forever.)
"Hang on a second, so you mean to say that you've been to all those places and it's not even 8:00?"
"Yeah but-"
"Stop freaking out, I'm sure she'll be back tonight dude."
"Oh, ok...sure...I can do that."
End of call
Sabrina's POV
Where am I? All I can see is darkness! How did I even get here? Who did this? So many unanswered questions are running through my head right now.
Peyton's POV
So recently, I've been trying to come up with things that might wake up Rowan. I'm gonna be trying one today. A song. Rowan's never heard me sing and I promised her I would sing for her soon. I was in the choir at my old school for a while but dropped out. I wish I didn't though- maybe Rowan and I could be in this school's choir one day as she also enjoys singing. I sat down next to her and prepped my guitar to sing our favourite song-the one we always listened to if we were upset and shed sing it to me when I had a problem. Well, here goes nothing.

"I can't say that everything's okay
'Cause I can see the tears you're crying
And I can't promise to take the pain away
But you can know I won't stop trying

I'll be the angel by your side
I will get you through the night
I'll be the strength you can't provide on your own
'Cause when you're down and out of time
And you think you've lost the fight
Let me be the angel
The angel by your side

I know it feels like you're running out of faith
'Cause it's so hard to keep believing
But if I can bring a smile back to your face
If for a moment, you'll forget all about it

I'll be the angel by your side
I will get you through the night
I'll be the strength you can't provide on your own
'Cause when you're down and out of time

And you think you've lost the fight
Let me be the angel
The angel by your side
'Cause this won't be the last time
You'll need a little hope
But I want to be the first to let you know

I'll be the angel by your side
I will get you through the night
I'll be the strength you can't provide on your own
'Cause when you're down and out of time
And you think you've lost the fight
Let me be the angel
The angel by your side
(I do not own this song)
I was about to continue when I heard Rowan mumbling the song. I leaned over to her and stroked her face.
"Rowan?" The mumbling slowed and stopped. Disappointed, I sat back in my chair. However, the doctor didn't find it so disappointing.
"She was responsive!"he practically yelled. "The song must've triggered a powerful memory- what's more powerful than love!" After hearing this, I practically jumped out my chair.
"Are you serious! Do I just have to sing that song and other songs linked to powerful memories and then there's a chance she'll wake up!"
"Well...yes. Just sing a song once and hour at the same time and the pattern should stimulate some memory." I was so excited I could hardly breathe. Rowan. My Rowan could wake up. Sabrina and Corey will be thrilled about this! I started playing the song again.
Rowan's POV
I heard a song being played. Wait a second... I knew this song! It was the sing that Peyton and I shared! I knew the words off by heart and tried to sing them but it just came out as a croak. Uh, I hope I wake up soon...
Corey's POV
Where's Sabrina? It's 6:00! What if she got kidnapped? Or ran away! I started pacing back and forth thinking of all possible things that could've happened to her. I'm interrupted by my thoughts with a text.
Peyton: You'll never believe it!
Corey: What?
Peyton: Rowan could wake up soon- all I have to do is sing a song to her once an hour!
Corey: That's great, dude! Maybe she can help find Sabrina!
Peyton: Your girl not back yet?
Corey: My girl?
Peyton: it's obvious you like her dude.
Corey: I know, I just don't know how to tell her...
Peyton: Just come down to the hospital and we can chat.
Corey: Sure, be there soon.
End if text convo
Peyton's POV
Corey had arrived at the hospital and he'd decided that he was gonna tell Sabrina he liked her. I'd never seen him this nervous before... We were just chatting now when my watch went off that indicated that I should sing and I started to play a song. I had almost gotten to the end when Rowan's eyes started to flutter. I just assumed that it was that coma thing when their eyes open though. I was proved wrong however when I heard her say "Peyton?" And my heart skipped a beat...
Finally! Ooh cliffhanger! Will update soon! Loads more chapters to come! Woo hoo! Loads of drama, please vote!

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