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Btw this chapter has one f word in it- cause come on, these kids aren't perfect.
My face fell and my fingers entwined with each other to create a sense of a promise to myself that I knew he didn't hate me now. I heard the sound of pounding footsteps and distinct sniffs.
God, I am so stupid.
"Corey!" I yelled down the street. "Corey please..." I started running after him. However, moments later, my foot got caught in a crack in the pavement and I tumbled over- my body sprawled in the middle of the street. I lay there slightly dazed for a moment, before slowly picking myself up. Checking my arms and legs for cuts and bruises. A few cuts here and there, and a bruise was already forming on my elbow. I sighed and let out a soft moan of pain as I pulled down my sleeves.

I trailed down the almost deserted road to Rowan's house. My mom thought I was sleeping over at Rowan's so I couldn't go home. I got there and knocked, but no-one answered. I paused momentarily before knocking again, only to have it opened by a very flustered looking Logan. His blue eyes were red and showed evidence of strain.
"What do you want Sabrina?"he bluntly asked.
"Well, uh, I kinda told my mom that I was sleeping over here," I blushed and looked down- ashamed for whatever reason I don't know.
"Well she's asleep after everything that has happened so I suggest you leave her in peace." And just like that, he shut the door in my face. Great job Sabrina, you just upset two close people in one day. Well. Done.
I turned around to leave, tears in my eyes, when suddenly, an eerie pitch echoed across the area. It escalated into a high pitched whistle which frequency deafened me. I smashed my hands over my ears and sat on Rowan's doorstep. The pitch increased until I found it to be ringing inside my head. It proved too much for me to handle and I choked out a strangled sob. Then another. Until I ended up in a ball screaming and crying. I felt so distant from the world at the moment- collapsed on the floor. Through my pain, I once again heard the door being thrown open.
"Shut up! You woke up Rowan! You're lucky my parents don't care about us enough to look after us properly and go on vacation, even after their child just came out of a coma!" Logan yelled, anger glistening in his eyes. I shrank away from him, and for a brief moment, he looked guilty, before returning to his angry stance.
"Why the hell were you screaming anyway?"his voice softened ever so slightly.
"The ringing..." I mumbled.
"The high pitched sound thing..." It sounded stupid now that I was making a fuss of a noise.
"It's the f*cking curfew alarm! God! You acted as if the damn world was gonna end!" I stood shocked at him. I had never heard him swear when he talked to me. A groggy Rowan stood behind him- mouth also open slightly. Logan just turned around and gently nudged her in the direction of the stairs.
"What's a curfew alarm anyway?" I diverted my attention from Rowan.
"Huh?" He snapped out of his daze.
"I said, what is a curfew alarm?"
"Oh, it's a high pitched alarm that keeps people off the streets late at night, it's supposed to prevent crime or something. They're trying it out in this area to begin with." I nodded my head, yet there was one thing I didn't get.
"How come you couldn't here it but you heard me?" I asked.
"It was made so it can't be heard through walls, but so that we can here it."
"Oh," I stared back out into the deserted streets. "It works I guess."
"Yeah..."he stared into space, then snapped his attention back to me."Look, it's clear you can't stand the alarm, that thing's gonna be blaring all night, so I guess if it's ok with Rowan, you can sleep here."
"Rowan?" I questioned. She spun around, lost her balance, regained it, then answered with a clueless face.
"Can I stay?"
"Oh, yeah, uh huh, good, night." And with that, she flopped onto the floor. I rushed through the door, shutting it behind me, blocking out the alarm. I knelt next to Rowan and made and attempt to sit her up. But to no avail.

I sat there for a moment before taking a different approach. I slipped my hands under her arms and pulled upwards as hard as I could until my knees buckled and Rowan continued to be slumped on the floor. I turned to see Logan standing there, obviously amused my lack of strength. A half smirk played on his lips as he leaned against the wall- arms folded.
"Well are you gonna help me?" I stressed. He chuckled before stooping to my level, and in one swift motion, swept Rowan into his arms. My mouth dropped open slightly, the muscles in my face forgetting to work. He now proceeded to carry Rowan upstairs.
"You can take the couch since we don't have an extra bed set up yet, night,"he said as he and Rowan disappeared from sight up the stairs.

I puffed up the cushions on the couch and laid down. My hair spread out underneath me- frizzy and dry. I'm having a shower first thing tomorrow. After a while of staring into space and worried thoughts Corey, I finally drifted to sleep.
Nearly Christmas yay!

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