Memory Dreams pt.2

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First of all, thanks for the over 400 reads! I never even thought that it would get this many, so...THANKS!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, this is a continuation of the last chapter! AND REALLY IMPORTANT AUTHOR'S NOTE AT THE BOTTOM!!
But as soon as that memory was over, another one began-one that I could never forget. Although I pushed it to the back of my mind, it was always there in my memories- sometimes causing me to fear Peyton. But my love for him was stronger than fear, and I've overpowered it.
I was at Disney World- this was a few months after our first date. I was at a cowboy themed restaurant with Tenzing Norgay Trainor having lunch and we were just  chatting and getting to know each other better.
"So, how's Liv and Maddie going?"
"Good, though it's confusing when we have to act out scenes with the twins- though that's literally EVERY SCENE!"he sighed. I started giggling at that- he's the only person besides Peyton, Sabrina and Corey who can do that.
"...and how's GMW?"
"Great! It's really fun cause I get to hang out with all my closest friends!" Once I said this, his face changed to a sad expression.
"Oh, and you're also my close friend!"I playfully punched his shoulder. He looked relieved.
"So, how's your relationship with Peyton going?" I hesitated-confused by why he would ask that.  I mean, he was the same age as me- maybe he was interested in me? No...probably just making conversation.
"Uh...great! He's so romantic when he arranges dates for us! I swear he spends days planning them! He's so cute and he's even more cute when he does this-" I tapped him on the nose- he laughed- tapping me on the nose back.
"I guess I should go find Dove- she wants the Liv and Maddie cast to meet up."
"Me too, I should go find Sabrina- we're trying to do a ride marathon!"
"Well good luck!" I wrapped my arms around his waist and he did the same as we crashed into a hug. A few seconds later, we set off our separate ways. Little did I know, Peyton was there-hating seeing us 'flirting' as he called it. Tapping each other's noses and hugging and nudging.
Later that day, I was on my way to waterway washaway (A/N I made that up obviously :-/) when we saw Peyton back Tenzing behind the porta potties. Sabrina soon caught sight of this too, and followed me over to the porta potties- staying out of sight.
"Why were you flirting with MY GIRL!" Peyton shout-talked to Tenzing.
"I...I wasn't, I promise! We were just hanging out as friends!"he stuttered.
"Then why were you two tapping each other's noses? That's what we do!"
"She...she was showing me how cute it is when you guys do that!"
"Well what about-" Sabrina tried to stop her- but it was too late, I jumped into the conversation.
"Peyton! What do you think you're doing with an innocent kid!" I lightly slapped him on the arm. He replied with a punch in the temple. A burst of pain shot through my head as Tenzing and Sabrina rushed to my side.
"Monster!" Sabrina yelled.
"I can't believe you did that!"screamed Tenzing. Peyton started sobbing and scurried off.
"Are you ok?" Sabrina asked.
"Yeah..." I nodded but as soon as I did that, a wave of dizziness shot through me. I stumbled backwards only to be stopped by Tenzing's arms grabbing my shoulders. My vision blurred as I keeled over- I felt my face pale. The last thing I remembered before losing consciousness was falling backwards-being caught in strong arms and scooped up.
Later on, I found out that some crazy 'fan' had injected Peyton with drugs when they were hugging (there were CCTV footage to prove it) and he profoundly apologised. I realised that it must've been horrible to know what your doing, but not be able to control it. Especially hurting someone you love. However, with thus being said- I still didn't fully trust him so I came up with two things to test our love.
The first thing- Peyton flew all the way to Paris and got me 12 red roses. Even though his flight was delayed and got harassed by a mob of fans and paparazzi at the airport.
Second thing- Now I know this was stupid, but I'd rather live my life knowing that the one person I've ever loved was trustworthy than knowing that I can't trust them. So I jumped from my second story window. Peyton stood below. It was terrifying, but Peyton caught me in his arms and that evening- I knew we would be together for a long time...
SORRY! That was random! MY BRAIN IS BLOCKED! I really need help with ideas! So please can you guys comment some! Don't worry, I'll give you credit! I CANT CONTINUE UNTIL YOU GUYS COMMENT!
Bye! ❤️

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