Who now?

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The pic will make sense soon❤️ If you cant see it look up Corey Haim💙(when he was younger) Shoutout to readingfanstygirl_13 shaytardslife and meggie2345  anddd winner of shout outs  (is that a thing?) @mal444 and Mooshroom16
Because it'll looks like they read my entire book in one sitting! Also, sorry that chapter was really crappy Anyway...

Peyton's POV
Anger boiled in my blood. I came to rescue her and now she was cheating on me?
Rowan turned around suddenly at my presence and saw my angered face. "Peyton! This isn't what it looks like!" Rowan exclaimed.
"Oh really? Cause it looks like you're cheating on me!"
"No."Rowan choked out. The boy in the leather sofa/bed hugged her to his chest. It made me sick looking at them.
"Are you coming?" I shouted - jumping up and pulling myself through the vent opening. I turned around and saw the boy give Rowan a foot up to the opening. She reached for my hands but I pulled away with a glare- her face dropping. She desperately grasped at the smooth cool metal to pull herself up . That boy gave her a final push before pulling himself up and into the vent. I think he had bigger muscles than me. That was why Rowan liked him more I bet.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Yeah,"said Rowan.
Once we got out, Corey and Sabrina were kissing. I grabbed Sabrina away and smashed my lips violently against hers. Don't ask me why I did it. Because I don't know. I had a build up of emotions. Sabrina was clawing at me and crying. Her lips were ripped off mine by Corey who wrapped his arms around her. Rowan stood shocked in the corner but slowly slid down the wall as her red, puffy eyes met my strained ones. The boy stood forward.
"What's your problem dude?" He said.
"My problem? You're the one who's dating my girlfriend?"
"I'm not dating her! I'm her brother!" Her brother. Her brother? What have I done?
Logan POV (Rowan's brother)
Her two other friends looked up.
"Rowan? I...I thought your brother was dead?" Sabrina said.
"What?" a brown haired boy asked.
"Uh... Well, this is my brother-Logan," Rowan started. I helped her out.
"I've been training which is why you've probably never seen me- except  Sabrina. You probably didn't recognise me because it's dark... Anyway, I went out to war and was said to be KIA. (Killed in action). There was a technical issue in the system. I couldn't visit Rowan in hospital, because I was lost God knows where. Mom said she hadn't seen you but that Ben Savage guy said that you had come this way. So I figured you were in the dark creepy hall." I breathed out. Everyone stood dumbfounded but Rowan who of course already knew. The boy I think called Peyton opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by sirens.

Sorry that was crappy. Yes, the brother is going to be played by Corey Haim- who I love ❤️ He's going to be about 17 in this.
But of course you can imagine who you want. Does anyone know who he is?

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