You're awake!

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"P...Peyton?"she repeated. I instantly wrapped my arms around her frail body.
"You're awake!"I half sobbed. A small, weak smile grew on her face. Corey suddenly came out of his state of shock. He engulfed Rowan in a hug and we both kissed her cheek.
"You're awake!"he exclaimed happily.
"C...Corey,"she whispered.
"Where's Sabrina?" I could see the look of pain on Corey's face- his eyes turner red and his smile dropped to a frown.
"Um...I... She uh..."Corey stuttered so I helped him out..
"We, uh can't find her..."
"What?" Her breathing increased and I could see the panic in her eyes.
"Sshh... We'll find her...maybe you can help.." I insisted.
Rowan POV
What?! How did this happen? My best friend is missing! As if on cue, rain drops started thumping against the glass.
"Leave. I want to talk to Corey alone."
"Please, if you care, leave."
"Ok," Peyton seemed really disgruntled. But this was important...
After Peyton left, I turned to Corey. He looked on the verge of tears.
"Yes?" He choked out.
"When did you last see Sabrina?"
"Before she left the hospital...3 days ago."
"Uh, I'm gonna help find her-have you told the cops?" I grasped some trace of my normal voice after not using it for a month.
"Yeah, but-"
"I got a note before the crash."
"What's that got to do-"
"Sh. It was a warning." I croaked out.
"Yes, a warning that my life would turn upside down- that my friends would suffer and I would be killed." I nearly said that part in tears.
"Why didn't you want to tell Peyton?"
"Because he...he'll worry too much about me. I...I just need to keep you guys safe... I've already failed at that with Sabrina, so I need to help her." I edged off the bed and started staggering across the room-weak though. Corey rushed over to me and picked me up and carried me to my bed.
"You idiot! Are you trying to get yourself killed!" He yelled.
"No! I need to fix this!" I shouted-struggling against his arms. After a while, I fell down-weak from the coma. I felt so lonely and lost. I needed some warmth- I felt cold inside. I reached out and pulled Corey into a hug. I cried into his shoulder and surprisingly, I felt my hospital shirt get wetter with his tears. We stayed like that for a while-sharing each other's sadness.
Unknown POV
My plan had been revived!After Rowan woke up from that coma, I'd thought I had failed. I payed that driver good money to crash that car! And make sure she'd died! But now I've captured her best friend, it's back on track.Say goodbye to happiness Rowan Blanchard.
Hi, I can't finish the next chapter until you answer this question
Think of a female Disney channel actor-about 16 for the evil part- someone you don't like/don't mind being seriously MESSED UP I've finished the chapter except for the name so quicker the comment, quicker the chapter-Debby Ryan maybe?
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