Not Peyton

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Rowan's POV
Everyday I had to do these boring walking exercises, but I must say that I was almost starting to walk by myself now! Corey visited me everyday and Peyton visited me every other day as he said he was working on something 'special'. The cops said that they were working on finding Sabrina, but no new discoveries have been made. In fact, the only thing that made me want to walk again and doing physio exercises was the chance of going to find her. I still desperately clung onto a strand of hope that I would find her. Corey had a look of distraught sometimes- it really bothered me to see him like that.
"You have a visitors Miss Blanchard."
I assumed it was Peyton and one of his friends as it was the usual slot when he came. I was shocked to see Cameron Boyce and Peyton List.
"Uh, Cameron? Peyton? What are you doing here?"
"To see you silly!" Peyton said.
"We brought you something," Cameron said. He brought out a silver necklace in the shape of my name and a small ruby was embedded in the top right corner.
"It's beautiful! Thank you so much!" I shouted. I wish I hadn't though because my throat clenched up and I started having a coughing fit. Corey rushed over and pressed a button for a doctor as he patted my back. I felt bad for Corey as he had to look after me when Peyton wasn't here- which hasn't been for a few days... A doctor rushed in and put a needle in my arm. An unsettling drowsiness spread through my body with an added tingling sensation. Corey gripped my hand and I faded out of consciousness.
Corey's POV
I watched as a pained expression flashed on Rowan's face. I gripped her hand as she fell asleep. Cameron and Peyton just stared.
"She needs a few more injections and rest,"the doctor explained. Cameron and Peyton gave me a hug and left.
"Would you like to take a break?"the doctor asked me. I nodded and made my way to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror. Dark circles filled the space under my eyes and my hair was all tangled. I have been sleeping here overnight, so I grabbed a hairbrush from my overnight bag and started untangling my hair. I splashed water over my face and brushed my teeth. My stomach grumbled so I walked to the cafeteria and bought a chicken sandwich. When I was finished with it, I headed back to Rowan's room. She was awake now and when I came in, she weakly smiled. I sat by her bed and stroked her hair. Once she fell asleep, I called Peyton. After about 5 rings, he picked up. But it wasn't him who spoke. A girl's voice spoke.
"Oh Corey, I've got him and her. You're next..." And then she hung up. A wave of panic came over me and my breathing quickened. Rowan must've sensed I was uncomfortable because she woke up.
"Rowan! She's got them!"
"P...Peyton and S...Sabrina."
Rowan's POV
I burst into tears. My best friend and my boyfriend were captured! I snatched Corey's phone from him and called Sabrina.
"What now?" An impatient voice sounded. I hung up. I could recognise that voice anywhere- Dove.
"I know who has them..." I said.
"Dove Cameron..." Corey's mouth just dropped open.
Hey! I just want to know if you guys ship Corey and Rowan? I know this is a Reyton fanfic, so of course they will end up together, but do u want an interception? (Fry interception- max the thundermans) I need to know now or I can't write the next chapter! 😁

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