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A/n Some of you will hate me for this, some of you might like it, some won't mind. Trust me though, there will be lots more Reyton. Xxx

A few weeks later
Rowan's POV
I could walk normally now and was due for release later today! This means Corey and could go on our search for our friends. Just then, Corey, my parents and siblings walked in. My mother hugged me and my siblings hugged an arm each. My dad put a hand on my shoulder. Corey stood next to me- smirking at me- I grinned back. Unfortunately, my parents had to go to meeting, so they left- leaving Corey and I alone.
"So?"he said.
"So! I'm leaving today! Yay!" I pulled him in for a hug. He squeezed me tight. My expression changed suddenly though.
"I'm sorry..." I mumbled.
"You've been by my side for months now! Everyday! I can't thank you enough!" He chuckled. He had tangled hair and looked tired. After all, he had been by my side non stop for a couple of months. He hardly went home. Peyton had hardly ever visited me...
"That's what friends are for!" Friends- yes.
"But why?"
"Because I care about you."
"When's girl meets world starting again?" I changed the subject before it got too awkward.
"Until we find Sabrina and Peyton I guess..."
A few hours later
"Here." Corey handed me some normal clothes and waited outside. I was sitting on the edge of my bed and put the clothes that were given to me- a purple flowy dress, jean jacket and flowery sandals. Corey came back in with a doctor.
"You may now leave Miss Blanchard- your parents have filled out all the necessary  paperwork." I squealed with excitement and squeezed Corey's shoulder. He chuckled and threw me other his shoulder.
"Ah! Corey! Let me down!" I laughed as we walked out the hospital. Immediately, paparazzi swarmed around us. Corey let me down and grabbed my hand.
"Does Peyton know you're cheating on him with Corey?" "We haven't seen him for awhile!" They bombarded us with similar questions.
"No! I'm not dating him!"
"Yeah! Leave her alone! She just got out of hospital!" Corey shouted. We pushed through the paparazzi.
"Wanna get something to eat?" Corey asked, "My treat."
"Sure!" We skipped to a nearby tea place. We sat down- still holding hands. We ordered and was waiting for our food.
"So, how are we going to find Peyton and Sabrina?" Corey asked.
"I've got Sabrina's serial number for her phone, so we can just track her."
"Why do you have her serial number?"
"For a situation like this!"
"You're a genius." His face got closer and closer to mine...

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