My best friend's brother (AND IMPORTANT AUTHORS NOTE)

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Hey guys, so I think this story is coming to an end probably within the next 5 chapters or so? (Agree/Disagree?)
And shoutout to PeytonMeyerlover who read all of my story in one go! Follow her and thank you! And I'm sorry I haven't updated in FOREVER, but I've been really busy around Christmas. But late happy Christmas!!!! This is also just a filler chapter, you guys deserve more, but in afraid this is the best I can do at the moment. X (Unedited)

Sabrina's POV
I woke up with half my body hanging over the side of the sofa. My phone dug into my back and I groaned as I uncomfortably rolled over- ending up on the floor. I finally decided to drag my butt off the carpet and headed to the kitchen- expecting to at least Rowan to be there like she usually is. However, all I saw was their cat- silently licking its food. I let out a sigh and turned back to the stairs to surprise them and get their lazy butts out of bed.

I silently crawled into Rowan's room and knelt by her bed- silently counting to three before jumping onto the bed.
"Wha- Sabrina?" Logan instantly tackled me back. I somehow became pinned to the duvet. I opened my eyes to see Logan's vivid blue eyes surrounded by his fluffy golden hair. I felt the muscles that held me down loosen and I took it as a chance to gain an advantage. I gripped his wrists and flipped him over. Smirking, knowing he was stronger than me, he rolled over me-taking me with him. I suddenly felt space beneath me and then I had strands of wool from the carpet in my mouth. I brushed the hair out of my face- coming once again face to face with Logan. We smirked at each other before I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Blushing, I staggered up and saw a very disgruntled looking Rowan.
"Uh, I'm gonna make some breakfast," I mumbled before dashing downstairs.

I settled on making pancakes and was half way through the second one when I felt a presence behind me. A hand gently turned my face to meet theirs. And then he kissed me. I smiled into the kiss- getting caught up in the moment. Logan's hands held my waist and I gripped his neck to keep balance. But all I could think about was how wrong it was. How Corey would react. And how I still love him. I can't just throw away the relationship we've been developing for awhile now- But... I like Logan too. I broke out from my thoughts when I heard a cough. I spun around and madly blushed when Rowan stood in the doorway- looking pissed off as hell.
"I can explain-"
"I just... can't deal with all this right now."
"No..." Rowan started backing to the door causing Logan to take a step forward. Uncertainly, Rowan reached for the doorknob.
"Rowan dont- you don't know what you're doing- you could get hurt." Rowan let out a sniffle and flung open the door- sprinting outside.
"Call Peyton." And then he ran after her as I dialled Peyton's number.

"Peyton, you need to come over here now."
"What? Why?"
"But I'm in the middle of breakfast."
"Please, she's gone off."
"See you in five." The line broke off.

Rowan's POV
The sound of footsteps forced me to increase my pace. Forgetting to look where I was going, I crashed straight into someone.
"Woah!" They caught me with a start and placed me back on my feet. "Rowan?" I nervously looked up into the person's eyes. Tears blurred my vision so all I saw was the outline of a face I made out to be Peyton's. He pulled down his sleeve and wiped my tears.
"Don't do this Rowan, you worry us all, especially me." He almost looked like he was crying- but no tears came out. I slowly nodded my head and he leant down to kiss me- pouring his heart into it. We kissed for awhile before I could taste salty tears in the kiss- I opened my eyes and saw his brimming with few tears. We pulled away ever so slowly, and rested our foreheads together, gripping each other's cheeks. For the first time in what felt like forever, I smiled. A broad smile that Peyton caught, and soon we were both grinning like idiots. I felt truly happy in those few moments- enough to let out a small giggle- escalating into laughing. At first Peyton just smiled even wider, before joining in on my contagious fit of laughter. Once it had died down, we pulled away, and he wrapped his arm around my waist in a side hug as we headed back to my house. As we got to the living room, Logan and Sabrina were laying next to each other and Logan was playing with her hair. Help. I was trying to be happy for them, but it's such a strange idea to me. I was sure Corey was the one for Sabrina. As soon as this thought played though my head, I heard a knock at the door. Walking to the door, I didn't expect to see who I saw then.

chambersx is writing an awesome story which is a crossover between the Outsiders and Stand by me (it's 80s stuff and I know most of you in this fandom probably don't read that kind of thing.) But at least please get them up to around 30 followers before I post my next chapter because they really deserve it :)

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