I Love You So Much (AIBER)

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Amber's POV

"Wow, this place is amazing!" I exclaimed as I took a sip of alcohol.

"I know right? Hey, let's take a picture!" Ailee suggested. She took out her Polaroid camera and held it out.

"1...2...3!" A flash went off then the picture came out. We both looked at the picture. I, smiling and Ailee pecking my cheek. I smiled at the picture and felt dizzy.

"Babe, I think I'm gonna head back. I don't feel good." I stood up, holding onto my head.

"Want me to come with you? I don't think you should walk around like this at night." Ailee asked, her eyes were full of worries and I felt guilty.

"No, it's fine. I don't wanna ruin this night. Besides, just wait until your cousin's shift is over." I pointed at the bartender known as Ailee's cousin.

"You sure?" Ailee asked one more time.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. See you." I pecked her forehead and headed out with my backpack.

It seemed to be around midnight noticing the moon was on it's peak. It was absolutely dark and there was a slight breeze. I had to go through a tunnel that was under railroad tracks where rarely anybody goes to. Thank goodness because I hate the dark and the tunnel was bright inside. As I was walking, a person with a hoodie on the other side came too. We saw each other and made eye contact, the mysterious person quickly averted gazes with me and it became awkward. Once we were about to meet midway, I had my head low because I didn't want to get anymore contact with him. When we were walking and met side by side, the man quickly pushed me onto the wall and took out what seemed to be a kitchen knife. I tried to punch him but he used his free hand to grip onto my wrists. He lifted his knee and it made an hard impact with my stomach. I coughed as air escaped my lungs. Unable to breathe, I became weaker and he took the chance to repeatedly stab me in the same spot his knee hit me. Before I could do anything, he quickly grabbed my backpack which was full of valuable stuff and made an escape, running away. I held onto my stomach gasping for air as I gripped onto my stomach. My legs became weak and I slid down the wall, sitting down. My vision became darker and tears fell from my eyes. I knew it would be the end of me, I can't be saved. My time is up. I took the last minutes of my life to get my phone out from my back pocket and dialed a number. No, I didn't call 911...I called someone who was very important to me.

"The caller you have dialed is not available. Please leave a message." The phone beeped and I gasped my last breath to answer.

"Ailee....I love you so much..." I dropped my phone when I started coughing repeatedly, blood spewing out.

Ailee's POV

Once Amber left, about an hour later, my cousin finished his shift. My phone vibrated and I looked at my phone seeing Amber left a voicemail. I played it and placed the phone to my ear.

"Ailee....I love you so much..." The phone ended and I was confused until my eyes widened.

"Ailee, let's go now- Ailee?" My cousin saw me running out of the bar, crying. I ran out retracing where Amber would've gone to get home.

Amber's POV

I woke up, and looked around. It was morning and I woke up in a tunnel? I looked to my side and saw a bouquet of flowers next to me with a Polaroid picture of Ailee and I. Why did I wake up in a tunnel with flowers and a picture? I got up and found my way home.

When I arrived to my house, I was going to take my backpack off to get my keys but I didn't have my backpack. Strange, I always bring my backpack when I go somewhere.

"Great...how am I gonna get inside?" I mumbled, I placed my head on the door in frustration but apparently the door was already open.

I entered, thinking why the door would be open. I live with my girlfriend, Ailee, and I feel she knows the answers as to why I woke up in a tunnel. May be it was a prank?

"Ailee? You home?" I walked upstairs to our bedroom. I slowly opened the door, peeking through.
"Ailee...?" I saw Ailee, she sat on the edge of our bed, wearing a black dress and veil. She was crying as her eyes looked empty.

"Ailee? What's wrong? Stop crying, why are you wearing this?" I asked, she didn't answer. I kept asking her and waving my hand in her face, to no prevail, I sat next to her.

"Ailee...why won't you answer?" I looked at her sadly.

Ailee had her phone in her hands, she kept pressing a button. I never noticed and decided to stop asking and keep silent to hear what she was replaying.

"Ailee....I love you so much... Ailee....I love you so much... Ailee....I love you so much... Ailee....I love you so much..." What seemed to be my voice struggling out those words, it happened to be a voicemail I left her. I dont remember sending her that. Until I remembered. I remember everything, what happened, why I'm here, why Ailee's crying...I remember. Tears fell down my cheeks as I remembered...I'm dead.

Ailee stopped playing the voicemail and layer down on the bed, on her side. I layed down on my side, facing her. I stared at her eyes as she stared at nothing, her glassy eyes empty. She took out her phone and texted 'I miss you so much'. My phone vibrated and it was her text, I found out I could reply back and said 'I'm always here for you'. I sent it and when Ailee saw it, her eyes widened.

'Where are you?'

'Right in front of you'

Ailee gasped and looked in front I met eyes with her even though she couldn't see me. Ailee quickly dialed my number and I answered.

"Amber? Baby? Is this you?"

"Hello Ailee..."

"How are we communicating?"

"I...still have my phone..."

"How did you die?"

"I was walking through the tunnel and somebody stabbed me repeatedly and stole my stuff."

Ailee started crying because she couldn't imagine all the things that happened to me.

"Hey...don't be sad. I'm always here for you."

"Babe...I'm so sorry...if I went with you-"

"Then you would be dead too."

"Can I join you?"

"No. You can't do that to yourself."

Ailee was sniffling.

"C-Can we say our goodbyes then if I can't join you?"


"Amber...I-I love you so much. Please be with me...I dont want to be alone....I guess...this is goodbye..." Ailee stared at me.

"Ailee...goodbye....I love you so much." I started crying and I kissed her forehead like I did that night.

Soon, we hanged up. Ailee...I love you so much.

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