Top Fly (WESBER)

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Amber's POV

"This mission will will you people split into two teams, red and blue. What you have to do is go up this tall skyscraper with your desired partner, you will be harnessed and both of you will come down around the middle of the side building. Once you hear me say 'go' through the radio, both of you will be timed to see who can swing and grab ahold of each other in the least amount of time" the host of Top Fly explained.

I had shivers go down my spine. I am so scared of heights it's unbelievable. I hope the host won't pick me.

The host looked at the blue team where I am and he paused at me.

"Amber! Since you weren't able to try the last mission it is your turn to shine!" The host clapped along with the others.

"Shit..." I mumbled. I walked forward and stood next to the host, nervously.

"Now, who would like to partner up with Amber?"

A hand shot up quickly and the hand belonged to Wesley's. I'm so grateful he out of the others chose to be with me. He's so strong, brave, handsome....ahem, anyway...he's a reliable teammate.

"Fighting" Wesley pumped his fist and stood next to me.

We got to the top of the building and once we were harnessed, I looked below. Everything was so small and I became dizzy.

"You okay?" Wesley asked.

"Y-Yeah...I'm just scared of heights..."

Wesley hugged me tightly, I felt so secured. He broke it and stared into my eyes.

"Don't worry, I'm here. Once we get down there, just look at me and only me, alright?"

I felt safe and more determined, I nodded quickly.


They lowered us, I on one side and Wesley on the other. We finally reached our destination.

"Ok Amber...dont worry. Just look at Wesley and only him. I'm harnessed so thgwres nothing to be afraid of..." I looked over to Wesley and he was already looking at me. He gave me a thumbs up and I smiled waving back.

"Ready...go!" My radio echoed as the host spoke through.

I immediately moved, I didn't want to let him down. We almost made it and had to swing again, I was gripping the window but slipped and Wesley quickly grabbed ahold of me. I started crying and hugging Wesley tightly as he rubbed my back.

"Thank goodness you're okay..." Wesley mumbled.

The workers pulled us up and all the teammates applauded for us.

"Great job you two, Amber, that was very brave of you. To make things better, you guys got 17 seconds!" The host announced.

Wesley and I highfived and after everyone went, we were the team that won. We celebrated earning a new badge.

After the show...

We all were about to go to bed. I was tossing and turning, mumbling. I shot up straight and looked at my surroundings, sweating and gasping. I had a nightmare where when I slipped, Wesley wasn't there and I fell straight down to my doom. I shivered and got up heading to the bathroom. I washed my face then went out to the public balcony to get fresh air. I noticed someone was there.

"Hello?" I asked.

The person turned around whom happened to be Wesley. We both looked shocked and I walked next to him.

"Can't sleep too?" I asked.

"Y-Yeah...I had a nightmare..." He responded looking at the sky.

"Tell me?"

"Well...earlier when I caught my nightmare, I was there but couldn't move, it seemed I was invisible to you as you seemed to look right through me...and you fell as I watched you scream in agony..." Wesley explained, tears running down his eyes. I was shocked at his answer while he quickly wiped his tears away and asked me what my nightmare was.

" was similar. When I slipped, I looked to see if you would catch me but you weren't there and so I fell..."

We both stared at each others eyes for a moment. I noticed we started getting closer and I blushed, quickly bowing down.

"Thank you so much for catching me even though we were harnessed...I'm glad out of all the people, it was you who was my partner..."

I heard no response and I looked up only to be pulled in a tight hug.

"I'm just glad you're safe...I won't be able to live without you" Wesley said, crying.

My vision got blurry and I cried along with him. After a few moments of sniffling, we broke the hug and smiled, staring at each other. Wesley started to slowly lean in and I did too. We had a passionate kiss and after a few seconds, we parted.

"I-I'm g-gonna go to b-bed..." Wesley stuttered, blushing.

I giggled and pecked his cheek. "Thanks to that kiss, I'm gonna be having a good dream now...night Wesley."

Wesley smiled, "night Amber."

We both parted to our beds, sleeping once again but full of good dreams.

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