Sunshine And Daisies (LUNBER)

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Amber's POV

I splashed water onto my face, fixing my puffy eyes and red nose. I looked in my big rectangular bathroom mirror before coming out of my room. Obviously, I was crying a few minutes ago. Why? Oh you know, being a famous girl that stands out because of my boyish looks, I get bullied and hated on everyday. I always cry myself to sleep and this afternoon after posting a selca, I immediately got hated on. Why is it always me? I'm just being myslef.

It's impossible to please society. You're different, you get hated on. You're mainstream, you also get hated on. What's the point then? I did a double check before walking out to go hang out with the others because they will become suspicious if I stated in my small room the whole day. I walked out only to find none of the F(x) members here.

I walked over to our dining table and found a piece of paper with a lot of writing.

'Hello, Amber. If we are not here by the time you come out, it means we left to go shopping. Don't worry dear, we will buy something for you! I left some leftovers from breakfast in the fridge. Be sure to warm it up in the microwave! We will be back maybe tonight. Make good choices, love you~!'

By the beautiful handwriting and mother-like response, Victoria must've wrote this. I sighed in relief knowing I will be by myself today so they won't see me so messy after crying. I opened the fridge and took out the food wrapped up. I unwrapped the foil seeing Victoria made omelets, I closed the fridge and set the food in the microwave starting the timer. When it finished, I sat at the table and started eating. Something moved at the corner of my eyes and I saw Luna walk in from her room.

"Luna? I thought you went with the others?" I asked, surprised.

"Yeah, but I didn't feel like going." Luna replied sitting down in front of me. She took half of my omelet and chowed down. It became silent except for the fact that Luna was humming a happy tune. Out of everyone, Luna wasn't really the closest with me. She's...totally opposite from me. I mean, she's so happy and go lucky while I cry and I'm so dread like.

"Hey Luna"


"Why are you always happy? How can you be like that? Why do you smile as if everything is sunshine and daisies?"

It was silent and I looked up noticing that Luna's jaw was clenched, her hand gripped the fork and knife tightly as her eyes looked...empty.

"Luna?" I asked, worriedly. As my hand touched hers, she jumped.

"Oh! Um...well, you know. I just am!" Luna smiled.

"Liar" I gasped and covered my mouth. Why did I say that out of nowhere? How would I know what she is?

"What?" Luna asked.

"Uh...sorry, I didn't mean to..." I stuttered.

"No, you're right..."

"What?" It was my turn to ask.

"Acutally, this happy, talk a lot, bubbly fake. My true's difficult...." Luna mumbled.

I placed my hand on top of hers. "I understand you, please. Explain." My eyes showed reassurance. Luna hesitated before nodding and explaining.

She was just like me. Her true self, she was bullied online for being "fat". After explaining, she cried out loud and I let her, on my shoulder as I hugged her. Whispering stuff we both want to hear. I alsp explained my true self. After she calmed down, we were both laying next to each other on the couch.

"I didn't know you held all this in" Luna whispered, staring at the ceiling.

"I feel the same" I answered. "Hey Luna..." I turned her head towards me.

"You're the only person who is the same as me..." I said. Luna smiled and nodded.

"You too"

We stared at each other before leaning in, our lips touching. Sparks flew and we both felt connected.

I guess out of all the members, Luna was the closest to me.

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