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Victoria's POV

"Alright! That's it for today! Great work everyone!" My manager called out. I began to stretch and sigh in exhaustion. Smiling and bowing at the staff before I turned to my group members.

"Great job guys, go get changed. The sooner you go, the earlier we can get back to our dorms meaning more time to sleep!" I said.

"W-Wait! Unnie, what are we having for dinner? We don't have anything in the fridge! We haven't eaten since this morning~" Sulli whined.

"Hm...I guess we can go out tonight..." I suggested. The group members faces lit up in excitement. Krystal and Sulli jumped around cheering that they will eat good food tonight. Luna watched the two as she was thinkig of where we should go out. Amber just stood there shaking her head but I secretly knew she was happy as well.

"Well, let's get going!" I exclaimed. Sulli and Krystal raced to the dressing room with Luna following close behind. Amber was walkig with me before my manager grabbed me by my shoulder, stopping me. I turned my head in his direction confused.

"Everyone, except you, Victoria. You need to be at a meeting coming up in a few minutes. We need to discuss about upcoming schedules and prepartion." My manager said.

I sighed in tiredness and stress. I fished through my pocket and took out some cash, handing it to Amber.

"Here, this is for dinner. You guys go ahead."

"B-But..." Amber whined.

I gave her a reassuring smile, "don't worry about me, this is a leader's job. Besides, I have enough money to buy some ramen. Go enjoy some dinner! I'll see you guys later tonight."

Amber hesitated before nodding her head and leaving to her dressing room. My smile slowly faded away once she left and I turned and followed my manager to the meeting.

After 2 and a half hours went by amd the meetig finally went to an end. I was so tired and my body ached, I entered my dressing room and got dressed into my casual clothes before heading back to the dorm. I looked at my phone fore the time: 11:30 pm. I sighed thinking of the food the others must be eating right now as I arrived at our dorms. I took out the keys and unlocked the door. As I entered and closed the door. It was pitch black and quiet.

I guess they aren't back yet... I thought. I turned on the lights and was met with a passed out Amber at the dining table.

I let out a surprised yelp which woke Amber up with a jolt.

"A-Amber...you scared me! What are you doing here?!" I asked.

Amber yawned and stretched before smiling at me. "I gave the money to Luna and had those three go as I waited for you here. Um...I didn't have money to buy food so I cooked something even though i can't cook. Sorry..." She set the bowl of food on the table and I smiled.

"Not at all, thank you so much Amber! This is so sweet of you..." I blushed as I sat down and ate her food. It's true she couldn't cook and it wasn't the best tjing I've eaten but because she waited for me and put effort to make something just for me, everytime I took a bite a smile appeared on my flustered face.

Amber's stomach growled and she blushed as I chuckled.

"You haven't eaten as well? Come, let's share this food."

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