Study Date (BOYXAMBER)

354 12 2

Your POV

"Babe c'mon, this is serious!" Amber whined as I was messing around by shooting paper balls into a trash bin.

"Yeah yeah yeah, sorry it's just that this is so boring...can we just go get pizza?" I pleaded with puppy eyes.

"Babe." Amber said seriously as she glared into my eyes.

"Ugh fine" I held my hands up in surrender.

Amber and I are dating obviously...we are college students and Amber needed some help with our huge important exam test so she called me. I'm an idiot who could care less about homework and tests but she insisted I come to her dorm room because she felt most comfortable with me and she can only work when relaxed and loose. Now here we are, bored as ever. Her bubbly roommate, Luna, is out partying like everyone else while I'm stuck here studying with my girlfriend. Don't get me wrong, I love her with all my heart but come on, she's really smart whether she studies or not so I don't get the big deal.

A few hours pass, I sighed and flop myself onto her bed. I'm so tired and bored, not a good combination. I guess Amber finally broke from her study trance and looked over to me.

"Hey, if you really don't want to be here, you can just leave and go party like everyone else." Amber sounded a little irritated.

"No no no, I'll just sit here sighing all my life waiting for you to be done studying even though you pass when you don't even study." I replied sarcastically.

I didn't hear her reply so I got up and looked at her, she seemed shocked.

"Y-You really think so?" She asked.

"Pfft, duh! No matter how many days you miss studying or if you never learned that certain subject, you ALWAYS pass no matter what! While I'm here trying my best yet I can't even get a C or B! Ugh!" I vented out my anger but noticed I vented it out to the wrong person.

"Amber, I'msorry...I didn't mean to say it like that..."

"No, it's totally fine. I understand you. Stressing out sucks, especially when you keep it in so it's good to let it out once in a while. How about instead of me studying, since what you said about me is true, I'll help you study. If you pass the test, I'll fulfill any wish POSSIBLE and CHEAP, if you fail, you have to fulfill any possible and cheap wish from me, deal?" Amber explained calmly, this is one of the reasons why I love her, she understands me really well so we rarely argue and I do like competition. Hearing that pumped some adrenaline through my veins so why not.

"" We both shook hands and I got right to studying. Who knew having a one on one private lesson with your really smart girlfriend was helping you.

After studying, I bid my goodbyes before leaving to my dorm room where I spent the night studying.

The next day after school...

Amber's POV

I honestly wonder if he passed or not, I waited by my boyfriend's car where we meet up and saw him walking here. I smiled and hughed him saying hello.

"So, did you pass?"

Without saying a word, he lifted the test up and I read his grade....D.

I was disappointed that my lesson didn't work and tried comforting him, but he didn't like people pitying him so I decided to be happy.

"Haha! You lost~" I stuck my tongue out and he just scatched the back of his head.

"Whatever, I knew this would happen and I don't even care. So what's your wish, let's get it over with." He mumbled. I love when he lies it's so cute.

I put my finger on my chin and put some thought on it. I felt bad for him trying really hard so I knew just the wish.

"I wish....that what you wanted to wish for would be granted!" I exclaimed.

He was shocked then looked away blushing. "Whatever."

I giggled and hugged his arm, "so...what do you want?"

He was silent for a while then answered without looking at me, "l-let's go eat"

Oh my gosh he's so adorable..."of course!" We got in the car and he drove go the pizza parlor. I kept thinking about his cute reply and started giggling to myself.

"Hey, what's so funny?!"

"Oh nothing..."


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