Collaboration (RAPMONBER)

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"You two will be doing a collaboration, please introduce yourselves." The managers explained.

"Hello, I am Rap Monster of Bangtan Boys. Please take care of me." Rap Monster introduced himself formally before bowing down 90 degress.

Amber quickly felt embarrassed at such formality that she straightened him up and patted himself on the back. "No need for formalities, it's good to meet you. I am a fan of your group. I'm F (x)'s Amber, let's get along!" Amber fist bumped him smiling and laughing.

Rap Monster liked her. She was different from the rest, not only females but the whole Kpop industry. She was open, friendly, didn't think high of herself, she was respectable, she....was differnet. He flashed a smile at her and immediately grew comfortable to her.

They reached the studio and immediately got to work. The managers thought Rap Monster would be good because he can rap extremely well, good looking and due to popularity, this song will be noticed. Amber was exceptional because she can dance, sing, rap, has good looks and she can get a taste of what acting will be. They started by recording the song and now they were shooting the music video.

In the video, Rap Monster will be the lead and same goes for Amber. Basically, the music video is B.A.P's Stop it.

The music video starts and Rap Monster gazes full of love at Amber as she walks past him, however, he wasn'tacting on his stares. He then gets hit by a prop car and pretends to be dead on the scene. Once the director said cut, Amber immediately turns and stretches her hand out to him.

"You okay?" Amber asks, smiling.

RapMonster smiled back, "yup, thanks" he takes her hand and gets up before she walks away to help the staff make ths other scene. He smiles at her and goes tidies himself up.

The next is where he starts rapping while walking around her, Amber is singing as she acts out as a girlfriend walkig hand in hand with a backup actor who is to be her boyfriend. Rap Monster is to show sadness as he is dead and can't be with her and Amber is to sing with emotion and show it as she walks with him because she feels she is not happy. They both were actib well because it was true. Once the scene ended, the actor still continued holding her hand. Namjoon noticed Amber didn't feel comfortable so he takes her other hand and pulls away from him without making it obvious.

"Thanks Namjoon Oppa" Amber smiles.

He feels his face becoming red as he hears her not only say his actual name but Oppa in the end.

"Y-You're welcome...." they both stare into each others eyes until they were cut off by the director tellig them to get into position.

They finally made it to the last scene where Amber is crying after being abused by her drunk boyfriend and she is seen sitting by the tub with bruises and blood makeup everywhere as she holds fake pills. Namjoon is there in spirit and he feels sad too, they are supposed to end it with a "kiss" that namjoon gives her even though she won't feel it and when he blocks her face with his head so it looks like they are kissing, they accidently actually kiss! They both had wide eyes before Rap Monster felt comfortable and closed his eyes. When they broke the kiss and they completed the shoot, Amber quickly goes to her dresser room blushing after she bows and thanks the staff for their hard work. Namjoon feels embarrassed and walks to her room. He knocks a few fimes before being let in by Amber.

"Um...about before...I hope you won't think differently of me. I'm so sorry." Namjoon apologized but was met with warm soft lips.

Amber pulled back blushing, "it's okay...I was just surprised because I never knew you felt the same you...alot." Amber confessed.

He smiled, hugging her. "Me too...alot."

They smiled hugging each other. After the music video was released, it became very populsr. Many people started shipping them and they both started dating secretly.

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