I've Been Here All Along (HENBER)

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It was 8:00 pm and Amber sat in front of her small table eating silently. She only looked down to her food never moving her eyes as she ate. She noticed her vision was getting blurry and her food started tasting salty...she was crying. She didn't move her hands to wipe her tears as she let them fall and get her food as salty as her heart. She missed eating with her family. When she ate with them,the food tasted so good but when they're gone, the food tastes...different. She missed her older sister Jackie, her funny dad and caring mother. She didn't like the heavy feeling in her heart. Scratches can be felt on her leg and she looked down to see one of her dogs, Jack Jack, up on their hind legs trying to get her attention, which worked. She smiled slightly as Jack Jack sensed her sadness and tried to cheer her up by doing small stunts like rolling, spinning in a circle, playing dead and much more. Unfortunately,it wasn't working but at least it got Amber distracted for awhile. Echoes from the door ringing filled the empty dorm. Surprised, Amber got up and walked towards the door, she looked through the peeping hole to see none other than Super Junior's Henry, also known as Snoopy and her best friend. Surprised, she quickly wiped her tears away, put on a fake smile and opened the door. "Hey Henry" she said hugging him. "Yo Am, I went to this new shop that just opened down the street so I went to try it out and it's amazing! So I decided to get take out for you." Henry smiled as he held up two bags that smelled delicious. Amber smiled and ruffled his hair, "thanks man, but I just finished eating..." Henry frowned, "no, I wanna eat with you" he walked towards the table where she was eating and looked at my food, "y'know, if you keep eating this, you can get sick and die" he chuckled as he ate a spoonful, he frowned. "Dude you put in too much salt" and that's when he stopped and stared at her. "Amber, were you crying?" "Pfft, what? Crying? No way, my allergies are acting up again" Amber quickly looked away hoping he wouldn't ask more, but Henry came closer and put his hand onto her chin turning it towards him. "Amber, don't lie to me, when you lie your ears get red and besides, your nose and eyes are red and I can see streams of tears dried onto your face. Tell me, what's wrong?""Nothing, seriously" Amber moved his hand from her face as she quickly went to prepare their food. She was hoping Henry wouldn't ask more but he kept bugging her. He put his hand on hers stopping her from what she was doing, "tell me." Amber looked towards his eyes, they were serious, she hasn't seen this side of his in forever, the last time was when he got stressed due to overwork when they just debuted, she gulped. "I swear, nothing's wrong-" the next thing she knew, her back was against the wall and her hands were pinned next to her head, Henry was trapping her. "Henry, what are you doing, let me go-" "not until you tell me, what's wrong?" Amber couldn't hold in her feelings anymore, her lips were trembling and her eyes started getting watery again. Through her ragged shaky voice, she managed to say, "I m-miss m-my fam...ily...." Amber started crying spilling all her emotions out onto Henry's hoodie. After a few minutes of tears, sniffles and sobs, Amber finally looked up at Henry because he hadn't said anything since then. He was staring back at her with sad eyes. "Henry, what's wrong?" "Well...it's just..." "Henry, tell me. I told you what was wrong with me." "It's just...you say you miss your family but...what about me?" Amber smiled, "Henry, you're like a brother to me, but I miss my actually family..." "no, I don't want to be like a brother to you" "what? What do you want then?" "I....I want to be more than a brother to you...I want you to see me as a man..." awkward silence filled the room. All Henry could do was stare deeply into her eyes as she was blushing and trying to avoid his gaze. Henry broke the silence, "um...if you don't like that...please just pretend this didn't happen and I'm sorry for giving you a hard-" he wasn't able to finish his apology as she grabbed his collar and kissed him. His eyes opened wide while her eyes squeezed shut. Amber broke the kiss as she cupped his face smiling and blushing. "I've actually felt the same way...finally you confessed" Henry smiled then took her hand. "I know you miss your family...but can I...substitute for them?" Amber smiled as she took her seat in front of Henry. "You don't need to substitue them, you are them...well, part of them" she giggled. "Wait...so I'm still a brother?" "No pabo! You're my boyfriend!" "What, really?! Woohoo!" Amber and Henry laughed together as they spent the rest of the time eating dinner for two late at night.

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