Beautiful (KRYBER)

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Author's Note: AU where Kryber aren't idols

Amber's POV

I walk around Hangang, holding my camera in hand. I look at my surroundings, testing landscapes with my camera, seeing if it's suitable for a shot. After twenty minutes pass of walking and waving my camera around, I grew frustrated and sat at a bench. I lean back, closing my eyes and facing the sky as I breathe in and out to relieve stress. It's been almost two hours since I've arrived in Hangang, looking for a perfect snapshot. I'm a professional photographer, I have an online blog but I'm working on a project creating a photography book. I need a certain picture to end my book off well. But nothing is coming off. None of these would fit the topic. I open my eyes and lean forward, hunched over as I look at my camera.

Sigh...this book will never be done... I hold the camera up towards my eyes, looking through the lens. I turn towards the left...nothing. The right...nothing. I decided to look back to the left before something...someone in the lens catches my eyes. A lady with long brown hair dancing in the wind, the sun beaming on her in a perfect angle, her perfect jawline...body...face... She was just standing nearby, texting on her phone with coffee in her other hand. I awake from my daze and quickly take pictures of her before she could move, the shutter going off multiple times. She's perfect for my book. She's...she's...

"Excuse me" I look up with the camera against my eyes, the lens unfocused at a blurry face. I remove the camera and my breath hitches at the woman I was taking a picture of who stood in front of me. I didn't notice she walked towards me, standing in front of me. Realizing the awkward silence, I cough a few times, "y-yes?"

The lady looked down at me, "Why are you taking pictures of me? Are you some kind of creep? If you don't answer, I'm going to report you."

I blush in embarrassment, "I-I'm sorry...I-I didn't mean to come off as a p-pervert...I'm a p-photographer and I'm taking p-pictures for a book I'm making and you are p-perfect for it..." I mentally face palm myself for stuttering, I was never the social type anyways.

Krystal's POV

I feel kind of bad for this person. But seriosuly, who the fuck takes pictures of a stranger wihout their permission? I sigh as I listen to the person's answer and sit down next to him.

"You should really ask for permission though but I guess it's okay...I believe you. What's your name? I'm Krystal" I say, lifting my hand up towards him.

"A-Amber..." He stutters...shaking it.

"Amber...? Isn't that...oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to offend you! I can't believe I'm so insensitive!" I blush, how could I judge by looks? I feel so bad.

Amber chuckled, "it's o-okay...I get that a lot."

My face was still heated, "I'm so sorry..." to which Amber just shrugged it off. We sat there for while, not knowing what to say.

"So..." Amber said, breaking the ice, "nice weather, huh?"

I stared at her before giggling, "sure is..."

Minutes passed and we opened up to each other, learning more of one another. After talking for awhile, I remembered why I was here in the first place.

" what was the topic of the book you're making that made your creepshots of me perfect for?" I teased. Amber wasn't as shy as she first appeared to. She was looking through her camera lens at different angles to see if another good shot appeared.

"Huh? Oh, Beautiful..." She answered back casually as she continued looking for perfect pictures. I blushed, beautiful? I didn't know what to say and looked at my lap. I could see Amber noticed I was quiet and looked at me. Realization hit her of what she said and she blushed. " was just the sunlight...and you looked....b-beautiful....and..." Amber continued stuttering reverting back to when I first met her. I couldn't help but giggle, causing her to look at me with a red tinted face before looking away.

"Aish..." She muttered, brushing her hair back. I blushed...she looked...beautiful...

"Hey..." I said, prompting her to look at me "do you have a business card?"

She fished through her pockets and held one out to me. I took it and examined the business card that contained her website, number and name. Amber Liu....

"I got to head home soon, can we keep in contact?" I asked, getting up. She quickly got up and nodded furiously. I giggled and pecked her cheek, slipping a piece of paper in her hand before waving and leaving, blushing. Amber Liu...

Amber's POV

I blushed madly as she pecked my cheek and walked off quickly. I felt her palce somethig in my hand and looked at the folded paper. I unfolded it and in cursive writing it was a phone number with a name. Krystal Jung... I read in my head, smiling as I walk home to add the last perfect snapshot in my book.

Author's Note: Hi guys! Wow it's been awhile. Still busy as ever and I'm deprived from sleep and food help :( lol sorry this oneshot seemed short and rushed. I had an idea in my head and wanted to quickly write it before I forget it. Welp, see you next time!

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