Call Me Oppa (KAIBER)

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Kai's POV

"Gosh, how can they make their guests go out and buy some stuff for them?" I mumbled as Amber and I were walking back to Chanyeol's house from the convenience shop. Amber giggled at the statement before shivering and sneezing due to the cold night.
"ACHOO!" Amber sneezed loudly. I jumped a little, surprised from her sneeze before bursting out of laughter, holding onto my stomach.
"W-What's so funny?!" Amber glared, sniffing.
"It' sneeze like a man! Hahahaha!" I continued laughing, barely able to talk. "Are you sure you're a girl? Could I possibly be dating a cross dresser? Hahaha!" Amber blushed before hitting me on the shoulder. "Yah! I may sneeze like a man, but I still have a maiden's heart~" Amber cooed, placing her hand on her heart and doing some aegyo.
"Ew stop, that's so disgusting." Now it was my turn to shiver, then we both started laughing. "Amber, you know I'm dating you because you are yourself. Aigoo~ you're so cute! I remember when I first met you, you were still boyish yet you were innocent and girly at the same time. Now you're basically my brother." I pinched her cheeks then sighed of disappointment.
"W-Was that a sigh of spdisappointment I just heard?!" Amber gasped then smacked my hands away from her face. She pouted, crossing her arms. I smiled before ruffling her hair, "idiot, you're still cute." I smiled widely.
"W-Whatever..." Amber muttered, looking away.
We finally arrived at Chanyeol's house, opening the door. All the Exo members were there, making chaos everywhere.
"We're back!" I helled, closing the door. After Amber and I took off our coats and shoes, Amber went to go play video games while I went to the kitchen.
"Did you get the dip for the chips and some snacks?" Chanyeol asked, peering over my shoulder. "Yeah, geez, why is everything so expensive these days? You owe me $20 by the way." I replied, pouring the dip into a bowl and taking the snacks to the living room.
"Fine~" Chanyeol said, sitting on the couch, eating the chips with dip.
I sat next to Amber, watching her laugh as Sehun kept whining how she did the special moves after she beat him again. I stared at her, thinking about the conversation we just had outside. We've been dating since Call Me Baby era and I noticed how we haven't really been doing what couples do. Since we are really close, it seems we act like family. Never calling each other names couples would do. She's never once called me something like Oppa. The most she's done was say 'Baby', I don't know I felt like she didn't mean what she said but it still made my heart flutter (It wasn't for him, kne time she was sining Call Me Baby and he misunderstood her xD). I felt a bit sad that Amber hasn't called me Oppa. I didn't know I showed my feelings on my face.
"Are you okay Kai?" D.O asked.
"H-Huh?" I broke out of my trance and looked him.
"You were just staring at Amber smiling but then you frowned moments later. Is something troubling you?" He explained. My face turned red as Amber stared at me questionably. I looked to the ground. "N-No I'm f-fine."
Everything went back to normal and we had fun at the party. Everyone was crashing at Chanyeol's place so we all decided to sleep in the living room. I layed in on the ground, moving around about my small dilemma of Amber not calling me Oppa. Does she not like me? No, she would've broken up with me then...but what if she pities me? No! That can't be it!
"Ugh!" I got up, walking into the kitchen to get a glass of water.
I turned to see Amber.
"Can't sleep either?" She asked. I nodded. We sat at the table, each having our own cup. There was an awkward silence before Amber spoke.
"Are you okay?"
I looked at her to see she looked worried, I shouldn't lie to her.
"D-Do you love me?" I asked, nervously.
Amber looked shocked before thinking. Wait, thinking?! Why is she hesitating? Does that mean she doesn't like me-
"Hahaha!" Amber laughed before quickly quieting down after she remembered the boys sleeping. After pausing to see if she had woken anyone up, which, she didn't, she turned to me, smiling.
"You're reaction was so priceless, hehehe~"
I glared, then blushed. "S-Shut up..."
"Amber smiled sweetly, taking my hand into hers.
"Of course I love you Kai with all my heart. Why would that kind of question be in your head?"
"It''s because don't..." I trailed off.
"Hm? What is it?"
"It's just...we treat each other like family. We don't do things couples would normally do. We haven't even had our first kiss yet. I worry you don't have the same feelings of when we first started dating..." I sighed, resting my face in my hands. I didn't want her to see me tear up.
It was quiet before I heard slight giggles. I looked up and saw Amber smiling at me. Am i that pitiful?! I got a bit angry at her emotions in this situation but then it washed away after her explanation.
"Sorry for showing this reaction in a situation like this. I just find it funny that I'm having a similar dilemma too."
"Yes, actually, I was thinking why you wouldn't make the first move but I guess my question is now answered. We both were too shy."
I thought about it then chuckled, "yeah..I guess so."
We both were quietly laughing to ourselves.
"So...should I make the first move then? It's usually the man, right?" I asked, smiling.
"Well, compared to you and I, I happen to be more manlier than you. So I should go, right Oppa?" Amber asked, smirking.
"Yah!" I blushed madly, I don't know if it was embarrasment from her claiming to be manlier or her calling me oppa for the first time.
Amber couldn't contain it and laughed loudly, waking everyone up.
We both looked at each other then started laughing.
"You even laugh manlier than me!" I exclaimed, laughing.
"S-Shut up!" Amber yelled, hitting me.
And we spent the rest of the night being scolded by Kris for interrupting his beauty sleep.

A/N: Hey guys! Finally updated! It took me awhile because I didn't have any inspiration lol well hope you enjoy and stay cool like llamas~

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