No he's not!

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I work up drowsy and disorientated. I couldn't place where I was or even who I was with. The last thing I remember was....Rixon. Oh god no! The dart hit me and now!?

I shot up out of a bed and looked around only to be confused. I was in my room? room. How was I back in my room? Maybe I had been dreaming last night and all of it was in my head. Let's be honest, no man was that beautiful or even that fast. He had been alarmingly fast when in his human form and I've never seen that before.

"Oh my god! You're awake!" I heard Aiden shout before his long arms wrapped around me. I glared at his honey brown hair waiting for him to get off. He knew I hated being touched. Even before Ash. Its just something about personal space.

"Aiden why are you hugging me?" I asked as I pushed him off. He looked at me with worried, green eyes before signing.

"Don't you remembe-" he was cut off when the door opened and in walked Rixon. Why couldn't it have just been a dream!?

"Finally you're awake. Thought I was going to have to give you the kiss of life," he said before winking. I gagged even though butterflies flew around in my stomach. I looked at Aiden who was looking at Rixon with a scared look. That was when I remembered he was a rouge. I mean, his eyes were red, how could I forget? Guess I'm just lost in my own head.

"You're family is just lovely," he said and then lifted his hands to show handcuffs.

"What the hell!?" I snapped as I looked at Aiden. "You handcuffed him!?" Aiden looked terrified because I never snap at anyone. This unwanted mated shit is getting on my nerves already. You snap for no reason!? Who even does that?

I stood up and walked over to Rixon. I could see his pale skin was turning red under the cuffs and my wolf wanted to rip my own family apart for cuffing him. "Why and who cuffed him?" I asked calmly.

Aiden shifted. "Um, Danny did. He said that rouges aren't to be trusted no matter if he "saved" you or not. We were waiting for you to wake up to make sure he didn't do it to you himself."

"I tried to explain to them we're mates, I was trying to seduce you, and then you pushed me and got smacked with an dart. I ran all the way to the closest land and thank god it was the right one so they took you in. I would have left but the bond wouldn't let me so here I am in cuffs and not even in bed with you. I am having a Really rough day, princess. Better be glad you're jaw dropping beautiful."

I felt my face heat even though I kept my face blank. "We'll find Danby and get you out of here. After this I want you gone and never to come back."


"Never," I snarled and he shut up. I walked past him even as my chest throbbed and my head ached. I just wanted to sleep but I needed this bastard gone.

"You're hot when you're mad, princess," he mumbled from behind me. I looked back at him with narrowed eyes and he grinned.

"Don't call me that," I said as I turned down the hall towards Danny and Alec's office.

"You're so sassy and cute though," he prodded. I ground my teeth together. Why is it that the gods put you with people you hate? I mean honestly! This guy was nothing like me; a perve, a jerk, and a cocky asshole. I hate everyone and anyone like that.

"I'm not sassy," I quipped.

Suddenly I felt his hand smack my ass. I turned around super fast and slammed him into a wall with a knife I always kept in my pocket against his throat. He was still smirking. "Sassy," he whispered and I growled before ripping myself away from him before I killed him.

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