Not a date

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This isn't a date, Aiden."

"It's so a fucking date! Oh my fucking god!" He giggled. I watched him roll on my bed like a high school girl as i leaned against my dresser in only my briefs. I had about twenty minutes before i was supposed to be at the bench beside the river and dealing with Aiden's pestering is making me not want to go.

"Aiden, I'm not looking for a relationship-"

"-but you found one anyways! Little bitch!" He giggled again as i groaned. I don't have time for this. Not that i care if I'm late because i could be late all i want to and still wouldn't care but yeah i dont have time for this.

I went to my closet and grabbed a pair of tan cargo skinny pants, a black loose shirt that showed my collar bones off, and a pair of black timberlands. I came out of the closet (don't you dare comment on it) and went to the mirror and made my hair a messy quiff before looking back at Aiden who was staring at me.


"You want to fuck him so bad" he said seriously and then went into a giggle fit.

I groaned. "Can we stop that? I honestly don't like him, he's genuinely a mess of a guy and a rouge none the less, and just he's too.....class clown for me."

"Gods paired you up so you better suck it up.... if you know what i mean," he said and then giggled.

"Coversation over," i snapped.

"Zyler it's okay to like someone," he said with a smile.

"I barely like him...."

"But you still do and he's your mate so the bond will only grow stronger."

I groaned and linched the brige of my nose. "I'm not promising anyone anything, " i said and then walked out. His giggles followed me until i got outside. I started a slow run toward the bench and when i got there i froze.

"I told you this wasn't a date, Rixon," I said as i stared at the bench covered in a black sheet making it a tent held down by two rocks so the opening was facing the river. There were candles lit all around and flower petals all over the ground with a small basket set underneath the bench and a blanket for us to lay on underneath the makeshift tent.

He came out from the trees with a big smile on his face. He was wearing a grey shirt, black jeans, and converse but his hair was left down with the braid i loved let off from his temple. He looked amazing but i dont care.

"It's not a date, more like a playdate," he said after i got a good look around. I stared at his red eyes and shrugged not really dwelling on the feeling in my stomach. I walked closer evaluating what he did.

" do i get in?" I asked not looking at him. He started beaming i could feel the heat radiate off of him as he bounce on the balls of his feet twice in quick succession. He grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the side opposite of where i walked up. He got on his hands and knees and crawled into and opening and i did the same. He laid so he was looking out at the water on his stomach. I laid parallel to him and bit my lip.

"So lets play twenty questions," he said as he looked over at me. "You ask a question, I ask a question, and there are passes in this game so we don't get uncomfortable." I pinched my eyebrows together but nodded. "You ask first princess."

I laid on my side so i could see his face and sighed. "Where are you from originally?"

"Well I am obviously from Scottland, bit of a old timer, but being specific my pack is in the Caledonian forest." His eyes lit up as he said the name. "It's beautiful, something you've never seen before and yet everything you have. It's just beautiful and my pack was the only one there, it was so peaceful."

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