Triangle over a square with a little rectangle and a circle

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"I am so excited to meet your' parents," Rixon squealed as I parked my truck out beside the mansion. I felt the sickness start to creep in as i was hit with all of my family's scents but all I could hear is.

"My uncles are complete horndogs but they're honestly awsome," Aiden gushed with his chipper smile.

"Well what should I expect, lad?"

"Stoic, rude, sweet, harsh, funny, cute, and maybe a little harassing. They might want to interrogate you," Aiden said thoughtfully as they opened their doors. I, however, stopped and looked up at the mansion i once called home. Images of Ashton on top of me, pinning me down flashed through my mind before the image of me stabbing him flashed after. I shook my head knowing that i needed to get it together in order to face the parental unit.

I felt Rixon wrap his hand around my forearm before pulling me out of the truck. We locked eyes before he gave me a smile.

"Look if anyone should be nervous, it should be me princess. I'm the one about to meet your' parents." I gave him a small glare but he just laughed and pulled me along up to the door. We were just about to take the first stair when the door slammed open and there stood Hank.

He took one step while putting his hand over his mouth before Nathan popped up behind him and crossed his arms. Hank and our eyes held as Nathan stepped up behind his husband. "My god, you look so much older," Hank finally said and i looked down at the ground. I hated that they hadnt been able to see my change but also i was in no state of mind to be home and be here.

"Who the hell is the rouge?" Nathan growled and i immediately put my hand out on top of Rixon's chest to show ownership. Everyone stopped as i glared up at my parents and narrowed my eyes.

"This is Rixon and he will be welcomed on our lands," I said slowly and watched as Hank stared me down. "He...he is an asset to the war we will have to fight."

"War?" Nathan said.

"Asset?" Hank commented witu his eyebrow raised.

"Yeah i agree with the blonde. Asset?" Rixon said as he stepped in front of me. "So I'm not your-"

"No," i cut him off and then started up the stairs. "I need to talk to Uncle Zayn now."

I felt a hand wrap around my wrist and looked up to see Nathan's eyes. "You could at least pretend you're happy to see us. We have missed you."

I sighed and looked at both of them but Hank was staring at Rixon who was fixing Aiden's hair. I tried to temper down my wolf's jealousy and just looked away. "I have missed you guys. Just not this place."

Nathan went to opem his mouth but i slid past him and walked into the house only to be attacked in a hug by Jonah. I couldn't help but laugh as he held me against him and kissed my face. My laugh was short lived however when Rixon walked in and saw the love fest. I pulled away from my older cousin and then slammed my hands against Rixon chest when he went to charge at him.

"Bad dog!" I shouted but he didn't seem to find that funny and just pulled me against him and pressed his nose to my face where my cousin had just kissed. He growled then and did the most disgusting thing that has ever happened- he fucking licked me.


"Mine," he growled and i knew everyone put two and two together when they gasped.

"Damnit, Lucky Charms," I hissed.

"You found your mate?" Hank said as he looked Rixon up and down. "And he's hot with an accent? I am so proud right now!"

"Yo! Still here," Nathan intervened as he wrapped his arms around my dad.

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