A little better

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The next morning i woke up alone, cold, and sore. I groaned as u rolled out bed not wasting a moment in getting up. I looked around, grabbing a pair of black jeans off the floor and a plain grey shirt that hung loose on me. I pulled on some tan timberlands and made my way out of the room.

I walked by Rixon's door which was about three doors from mine and found him sleeping. I nodded in victory and tan downstairs and into the kitchen, hurrying past the cooks while grabbing a plate, bacon, sausage, eggs, and a glass of orange juice. I ran all the way back up the stairs and stopped in front of his door. By no means is this me hitting on him or pursuing him he just...kind of deserves a thanks...he saved me last night.

I breathed in and out and then pushed my way through his unlocked and open door. Idiot is gonna get raped if he does that shit. I bumped it closed behind me and walked toward his bed where he was sleeping upside down with his head off the bed and his arms hanging in different directions. I smiled and then caught myself as i set the tray down.

What to do what to do.

"Yo," i said loud enough for him to hear. "Rixon, wake up. I did something nice." He just groaned and flipped away from me. I groaned louder and crawled on the bed, straddling his hips. "Rixon!"

"Something nice, eh?" He said in a gravelly voice. I went to get off him but he pinned me down to the bed. He quickly let go and made a face. "Forgot. Im not allowed to touch ya princess."

I glared at him from where i was laying down and then leaned up so our noses were touching. "I made you breakfast." He looked deep into my eyes before smiling.

"Thank you, princess," he said easily and then pulled away from me and sat so his back was against the headboard and the tray was ok his lap. "And its a breakfast fit for a king." He smiled happily as i slid up the bed and sat next to him.

I sat there and watched him quietly waiting for the right moment to bring up what my wolf saw last night. I knew they were not my images and then last night watching him tear that man to peices not literally but i bet he could if he wanted to.

"So um-"

"Im not gonna discuss that with you, lad. Not until you love me," he said as he bit into bacon.


"I know you have a lovely one," he said while winking at me. I glared at him and wiped grease off of him chin.

"You have to explain!I've never in my life felt so...violated. They had you like some....science experiment!" He stared at me then and looked deep. I didn't waver though and stared right back.

"You wouldn't understand and you wouldn't try to. No one did- will. You can barely sit in the same room as me and I'm your mate. Your bonded mate and soul mate and when you look at me, all i can see is disgust so with just a glimmer of those images how do ya think your' gonna react, eh? Open arms? Or just call me a freak like my whole pack? Kick me out like 'm some kind of traitor?"

He stopped and i noticed when he was under stress his accent was thicker. I bit my lip as i battled with myself, raising my hand and squishing it in and out of a fist as he stared at his plate. I finally set it against his cheek. He flinched but i kept cupping his cheek.

"I was always was distant from everyone. Well everyone but Aiden and Jonah. My dads, yeah as in two, were always fucking when i was a kid i never really got attention. I know they love me and i know i...i love them i just hold bad blood toward them for making me this way. I hate everyone and everything but when....when Ashton....when Ashton showed me attention it felt so good. I didn't understand at the time but he was wearing a poison to make my senses out of wack.

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