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I woke up on the ground and disorientated. All I could remember is Rixon grabbing me and then nothing.

I looked around the dark area and cursed. Did he knock me out and then leave me here all day? It had been morning before and now-

My thoughts were cut off when I saw Rixon in his wolf form, the moonlight reflecting off the beautiful fur that covered him. I growled in annoyance and anger. "What the fuck, Rixon!?" I shouted. His eyes flickered to the opposite direction of me and I growled louder. "You better not be fucking ignoring me! You left me on the ground for hours after attacking me and now-"

Suddenly my eyes caught sight of blonde hair in a tree above Rixon. I looked closer and gasped when I caught sight of one blue eye and the other yellow. My heart stopped when I started to put the pieces together.

Night time.

Rixon's wolf.

Me in a tree.

Him ignoring me.

This was the day we met but... I was watching.

I don't know where the fuck I am. I always manage to get fucking lost and yet those bastards always end up finding me. It wasn't my voice but It was definitely in my head. I stared at him and noticed how sad he looked. I should just give up and let them have me. There is no point in running anymore. I have no one and nothing.

I stared at him and then up at me as I looked at him confused in the tree.

Rixon's nose suddenly twitched. What the hell is that delicious smell? I heard Rixon's voice in my head. I watched as his head flicked in the air before his nose twitched again. God am I hungry or is this actually happening right now?

Come out and play, Rixon's voice rang. I got the same chills I had before and watched as I panicked and climbed down the tree. Gotchu. And then I watched as he jumped through the trees and then grabbed a hold of my shoulder. I winced at how painful that looked even though it hadn't really hurt.

Shit not food. Not food! I heard his panicked voice say. He let me go as I shifted and then I felt this pang in my heart that i knew was his. Whoa.


Hell yeah!

Our eyes met in wolf form as I stepped closer to us. My wolf was watching him closely as he stared at me in wonder. He's so beautiful. I thought the god's would never grant me such an honor and yet here he is. So beautiful and so... a guy.

Eh, could be worse.

I laughed at his stupid thoughts. Of course this is what he was thinking while I had been making attack plans and ways to run.

Okay. Okay. Play it cool Rixon. So you're my mate? Who would have thought? A boy. Oh my god I killed it.

Just ridiculous.

Back the fuck off me. I'm not your mate, I had snarled at him.

Ohhhhhhh. He's playin hard to get. I can do this. Just be sexy. Rixon leaned forward and licked my ear and my wolf slapped him so quickly I had to laugh. Fucking pervert.

He growled in what I now felt was annoyance before he pouted. You're my mate. I know you are.

I know you are so why are you fighting me? I can feel him so why is he being this way? I can feel love but when I try to send it to him it's like a giant fucking gate. He is so closed off and so stand offish.

Never to Love Again (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now