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It was all of my family standing by the doors ready to leave the next morning when the phone started to ring. We were all laughing and chatting, Rixon being the one to keep me close to him and teasing me about cuddling him last night but I couldn't even be mad after my revelation last night.

Hank went over to the phone and when he started to talk his face dropped. Immediately Nathan was by his side as everyone quieted down. "King Zayn," Hank said and that's when i knew it was serious. Hank never called him by his rank.

Zayn went over to the phone as i looked up at Rixon. He was staring out the window and his eyes were flashing silver before suddenly he took off. I don't know why I did it or even if I hesitated in the slightest, but i took off right after him.

"Rixon!" I screamed as he jumped over a fallen tree and then shifted. I knew I wouldn't be able to keep up with him. There was this tiny part of my brain that kept reminding me of that and telling me to turn back and find out what was happening with my family but the other part of my brain was screaming 'MATE! MATE! MATE!' and my heart wouldn't slow down enough for me to listen to my brain.

I shifted and kept sight of the white wolf in front of me. I heard the paws of my family rushing behind me but my eyes never left him. It was the fastest I had run for sure. I knew it by the way my chest was tightening and my calves were protesting and yet still I followed.

It wasn't until about forty minutes later when the smell of fire and blood hit my nose that i got what was happening. I ran harder until I finally popped out of the trees and found Rixon coming down the stair in human form with a guy held up by his neck.

"WHERE ARE THE REST OF YOU!?' he yelled and threw the man dressed in all black to the floor. I stopped and shifted back just as Danny ran out with blood and ash all over him and a look of pure murder on his face.

"Danny no!" Alec screamed as he ran out covered in ash and soot. "Stop him!" he yelled over at me and just then Uncle Black popped out from the trees and pounced on Danny in his wolf form. I watched as all of my family emerged from the trees but didn't quite understand what was happening as Black and Danny fought all over the ground and Uncle Shade watched with his teeth bared almost as if he was challenging Danny to hurt his mate

My eyes transferred back over to my mate who was beating the shit out of the hunter who looked like he was on the cusp of death which I didn't give a shit about other than the fact we needed information on where these assholes were coming from and why they couldn't just leave my mate alone.

I ran over to Rixon and grabbed his fist just as he was about to strike down again. He growled as he looked over at me and I lifted an eyebrow. "You wanna try that again?" I asked as I gripped harder on his fist.

He quirked his mouth up and then grinned. Even with blood splatter on his face he was sexy and I am pretty sure I shouldn't be saying that but damn. "Why shouldn't I kill'em. Bastard set your' home on fire."

"Yeah but they only did it to get to you," I whispered to him so no one heard. I they knew God only knows what would happen. "We need to know where their base is."

He let go of the hunter and the guy landed with a grunt before he cupped my cheeks and kissed me. I grinned into the kiss before catching myself and the smacking him. He groaned and held me closer so our bodies were squished together and I rolled my eyes before kissing him back.

"Black get off of Danny right now!" Alec screamed. I pulled back from Rixon and he smiled at me before giving me a dirty wink.

Black got off of Danny and they both shifted back. Uncle Danny ran toward the hunter again but was caught by his neck by Alec. Alec slammed him to the ground and Danny went to growl but Alec lifted one eyebrow and Danny shrank back.

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