Chapter 9: A bit too Far

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Arceus's point of view:

It's been 3 months since Light and I started dating. I even told the others of course they were happy for us, but the scary part was Chibi. His approval was appreciated and I can even say he was glad we got together. But he was still very, very over protective.

I even wondered how our future together would be. Maybe we will have a family and get married. It's pretty possible. -||||-

Though I shouldn't be thinking about that now. I mean for gods sake I'm only 19!

Oh well I might as well go visit Light since it's Saturday.

Light's point of view:

I woke up to a beautiful day and got dressed. I saw Chibi up early, strange he usually wakes up 2 hours later. I wonder why?

"Hey princess." Chibi said kissing my forehead.

"How come your up so early?" I asked.

"Grandma needs me back home for a while. So I need to leave now." Chibi said.

'Grandma' was Amaterasu, Chibi's mom. Like Chibi she is very old, exactly 2,000 years old!

"Oh okay if she needs you than it's fine by me!" I said with happiness.

"I will be back in exactly a week." Chibi said while leaving the temple.

He turned around waved his hand at me and disappeared into thin air.

"It's going to be a bit lonely around now." I said to myself with a sigh.

But then I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door and Arceus was standing at the entrance.

"Hey what brings you here?" I asked curious.

"I just came by to have a nice chat with my girlfriend." Arceus said while chuckling.

"Okay. Come in then." I said signaling him to come in.

We started talking for 1 hour and it was time for lunch. I started making lunch and offered Arceus something to eat. He said it was fine and I continued cooking.

10 minutes of cooking later.

I finished making our lunch and man it's hard picking out something for the both of us! I can basically eat anything no problem, but Arceus is a Pokemon and he can't eat a few things I can.

So it took some time to figure out what he can eat. Cause I really don't what to make him sick to his stomach! And eventually we both could eat some nice ramen I made.

5 minutes later.

We finished eating, but something was up. Arceus was looking at me weirdly and it started creeping me out! So I finished washing the dishes and went to my room. Then my instincts started going on the fritz. "Something is wrong really wrong." I thought to myself. And eventually I blacked out.

________Next Morning________

I woke up with a complete pain in my head. I got up and walked to my mirror and saw myself in a t-shirt that didn't belong to me. It was too big and a bit slipped off my right shoulder.

As I looked closer it was a small golden marking just like my red markings but not as noticeable.

"Wait I don't have golden markings!!!!" I said screaming a bit loud.

"What's with all the screaming?" A familiar voice said behind me.

"No please don't tell me!!" I thought as I turned around and saw Arceus bare chested next to my bed.

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