Chapter 11: Little Shade is here

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Arceus point of view:

It's been 7 months since Light and I got the news. And I can honestly say I can't wait to see what it looks like. I had to keep attending school of course. And yet I fell quite guilty leaving Light alone in a big place. But I'm sure a little longer wouldn't mind.

I actually told the others about the situation and they took it quite well. So well they came for a visit and because of Palkia's stupidity he caught on fire. His reaction was funny he was yelling: "Help help I'm on fire literally!!!!"

Light eventually put the fire out and we just say there laughing hysterically at him. The funny thing is he's a water type and could have put the fire out himself.

Since its Saturday I get to spend the next two days with the love of my life and soon son or daughter.

Light's point of view:

I woke up with a bit of pain in my stomach. But it was just the baby kicking ,which was a relief. -.-

So far so good I guess. I stand up and got dressed in my typical white dress. I went into the kitchen and eat breakfast. And speaking of it I have been getting weird cravings like ice cream and poke berries for the past 3 months. Weird right?

After a few minutes I was greeted by Arceus like usual for breakfast.

"Good morning. Feeling ok?" Arceus asked with a smile.

"Yeah I'm fine. Nothing to worry about just a few kicks that's all!" I said smiling back.

"Alright then. How about we go for a walk after breakfast?" Arceus said.

"I would love too!" I said with excitement.

5 hours of having a blast later.

When we got back home after a long day I felt another pain in my stomach. It was worse that before and I actually fell on my knees and crying. But before I hit the ground Arceus caught me.

"Light are you ok?! Say something!" Arceus said very worried.

"It hurts! It really hurts!" I said crying more.

Just then a gust of wind blew by and Grandma and Chibi came. Grandma quickly rushed over to me took me from Arceus arms and carried me to a room.

Chibi's point of view:

As mother took Light into a room I stayed behind with Arceus. Poor kid looked confused and worried. I'm guessing he doesn't quite get it.

"Hey kid stop worrying so much she's gonna be fine. Trust me for these kinds of things you should stay away for a bit." I said trying to calm him down.

"Alright then I trust you." Arceus said with a sigh.

I payed back against the wall and started thinking of my past.


I was a young wolf walking around the Celestial Plain when I saw her. She was beautiful and kind her blue eyes sparkled every time I saw her. And she loved me for who I was.

We eventually got married and settled down. I could still remember my expression when we got the news. Quite funny and laughable. But then IT happened.

It was a stormy night and I was out on patrol keeping the demons away from the village and more importantly... My family. When a single demon escaped me and went into my home.

And by the time I got there my loved one was gone. The only thing left was a small white puff ball next to its mother weeping. As I look at it carefully it was my baby girl who was not killed by the demon.

I turned into my human form and picked it up. It glowed and turned human also but with its eyes open. Two beautiful blue eyes looked at me with love and care.

She needed a name and I would remember her mother said if it was a girl to name her Light.

"From now on your name is Light." I said to my baby.

It giggled. "So you like your name huh? Maybe your nickname can be princess then?" I said.

It giggled again.

And as years passed she grew older and more beautiful just like her mother once was.

________End Of FlashBack______

I came back to my senses and saw mother shaking me.

"Hey! Don't you want to see your grandson?!" Ammy said pointing at the door she came threw.

And in a split second I was in was wolf form and ran inside the room.

Light's point of view:

All of that was worth it to see my little boy! He looked exactly like Arceus but has the same color of my eyes. (That's so cute!) Just then Chibi came threw the door as a wolf and licked my face.

"Aw daddy! Stop licking my face or I'm going to be covered in slobber!" I said trying to push him off.

"Alright alright don't get your hair in a twist. I'm just glad your ok." Chibi said nuzzling my neck.

"I'm fine I'm fine ok? Now how about meeting your grandson." I said holding my baby boy in my arms.

"He's cute looking." Chibi said smiling.

I nodded. Then I heard the door open and Arceus was there. Chibi immediately left the two of us alone and closed the door behind him.

"Hey don't be shy I don't bite so come here." I said moving one of my hands so he can sit next to me and of course he did.

"Wow he looks just like me." Arceus said.

"Well at least he will be known for his dad's good looks." I said giggling.

Arceus rubbed the back of his head and blushed lightly.

"So what should we name him?" I asked.

"Actually I thought you should name him. I'm not very good with names." Arceus said.

"I'm sure you have a good name for him. So go ahead." I said politely.

"I was thinking... Shade." Arceus said.

"That's a wonderful name! Little Shade." I said placing a kiss on his forehead.

"But I still wonder..." Arceus said softly.

"Wonder what?" I asked curiously.

"I wonder what type of abilities does he have. Who knows when they'll come?" Arceus said.

I was also thinking about it too. Who knows what he can do and when?

In time it was late and I fell asleep with little Shade next to me rapped in a small blanket. Chibi and Ammy stayed for the night because they have a long day tomorrow.

The future ahead of us is bright. And I hope it stays that way for a while. At least I hope so.

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