Sequel Anouncement

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Hey what's up guys! I just wanted to say thank you for reading my book and like I promised I will make a second book. But be patient cause I have other books too that I haven't finished yet. If you guys like check out my other books they're nice too.

Not exactly romantic like this one but, still good! And don't forget to vote and comment on this book! Now back to business!

The second book is going to be called "Legendary Children". It's a simple book of 5 years that passed in Light and Arceus future and also the other characters. But beware cause too much awesomeness and cuteness can burn your brain! Lol!

If you guys really liked this book I can promise in the future I will make more video game mash ups like this.

Origatou (Thank you in Japanese) and happy reading!

Love you all,


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