Chapter 12: Cover almost blown

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I woke up and looked to my side to see my baby boy awake playing with my hair. He tugged it and I instantly got up while picking him off the floor. He kept playing with my hair and eventually putting it into his little mouth.

"Shade that's not a snack. Now let go of mommy's hair." I said calmingly while taking my hair away from his mouth.

Shade started to cry a bit. "Are you hungry Shade?" I asked softly.

Shade stopped crying a little and smiled.

"I'll take that as a yes! But first let me change clothes and then we get something to eat!" I said smiling while putting Shade down.

I quickly changed clothes, picked Shade up and headed toward the kitchen. Ammy and Chibi were back home helping the villagers so they

wouldn't be back until much later. When I got to the kitchen Arceus was there he looked at me and smiled.

"Good morning sweetheart." Arceus said kissing my forehead.

"Morning dear." I said taking a bottle of milk from the fridge and started feeding Shade.

After we all finished eating breakfast. We went for a walk in the forest and we ran into some familiar faces.

"Well if it isn't our old friend Light." Kyurem said smirking.

I quickly hid behind Arceus and Shade started crying. The others noticed and gave off an evil smile.

"What do you want Kyurem?!" Arceus asked with anger.

"Nothing nothing at all. But I heard some rumors around that Light wasn't coming to school anymore because she was sick." Kyurem said shooting a glance at me.

"So? What do we have to do with anything?" Arceus asked still very angry.

"But I can see Light here healthy. And who's kid is that I may ask." Kyurem said smirking.

"..." Arceus stayed quiet.

The atmosphere around us was getting colder by the minute. Everything around us turned to ice even were we stand. It was cold and getting hard to breathe. Arceus noticed and created a divergent. I ran as fast as I could with Shade in my arms.

And in no time Arceus caught up with me as we ran home safely. But Kyurem and his gang started to follow us.

We started running somewhere else hoping for them to follow and with luck they did. My legs were feeling heavy and I tripped over a tree root. I fell on the ground with a few scratches and I check Shade for any but nothing.

Arceus noticed quickly and ran back at me, picked me up and kept running.

After a few solid hours of running away they gave up and left. And we came back to the temple. Ammy and Chibi were there with relieved faces. I was still in Arceus arms, he didn't let me go for a second.

"Where were you two? We got here 3 hours ago and you guys weren't here." Chibi asked.

"Sorry Dad. We were having some trouble in the forest and-" I tried to explain but was interrupted.

"Trouble? What kind of trouble?" Ammy asked.

"Kyurem and his gang were getting suspicious about us. So we had to run for a while." Arceus explained.

"I see... Did they get close to the temple?" Chibi asked a bit worried.

"No. We led them away from the temple." I said.

"Good then there's nothing to worry about for a while. Good night." Ammy said smiling then heading towards her room.

"Night you two." Chibi said going to his room as well.

"Dear you can put me down now. Your probably exhausted from carrying me around." I said to Arceus.

Arceus put me down and we headed towards our room. Shade fell asleep when we got in. I got in bed and fell asleep cuddling up to Arceus that was next to me asleep also.

I hope nothing bad happens to Arceus at school tomorrow. I am really worried that Kyurem can do something bad to him. And I really don't want my son to grow up without a father!

But I'm sure he will be fine after all were Legendaries.

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