Chapter Five

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Dear Scott,

I start this letter with a laugh

Dramatic irony sings 

As January closes on us

My life begins to move on

Later on into the night

A small sound came to me

It was in fact your whisper, soft

As you told me of your pain

I was so sure 

I had moved on

Ready for each mountain to charge

But maybe it's not so simple

So soon

Over and done

I know that I am over you

Your face not minds first thought

As friends we were

As friends we are

I’m here when you need me

I’m glad to say I’m here for you

Here, but never waiting

Maybe once I’m long, long gone

You’ll see what you couldn’t before

She dances like winter

Falls hard and melts fast

Good luck keeping her

The snow held into spring

I laughed at myself

You yelling my faults

I realized then

My hearts amend

No longer for you a space

I fell right in 

Each day and night

Into that deepening hole

But now with time

That hole’s been un-dug

The one you left there for me

So sorry, Hun

The worlds walking away

When she cheats, fret not

I’ll be there for you

With a smile

I’m moving on

“Your iPod sucks,” Tyler whined as he gave up searching for a song worthy of his ears. 

“Here, pass the cord back,” Scott sighed, reaching forward. I strained to hand it back as he eagerly took it, a song already picked out. His clammy fingers gently graced mine, sending goose bumps up my arm. I quickly pulled my hand forward, grabbing the wheel with both hands to turn it sharply to the right in the direction of the off ramp before my reaction was noticed by either of the boys.

“We’re here!” Tyler informed Scott, the little boy inside of him jumping for joy while his teenaged figure remained stiff. I laughed a little to myself, imaging what Tyler would have looked like as a child, his sky blue eyes wild with excitement as the time drew closer to him seeing Silvia.

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