Chapter Fifteen

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Dear Scott,

I want to be that mystery

The one you’re figuring out

Full of codes to break 

And doors to find

This time you want 

To find in me

What I always saw in you

Exploring each and every 

Part of my mind

You ask me what I’m thinking

My answer short and sweet

Good luck trying to break me

I’m better off this time

The words that our friends whisper

They see just what you don’t

My heart shining through my smile

My words say not what I feel

Ask me Scott

What I think of you


Tell me what you think of me


The darkness falling over my room 

A single light creeping in and over me from the hallway

It hits my face

Slithering over the edges of my nose

Casting shadows along the grooves of my profile

Tossing and turning 

Thoughts ever changing

But the light remains constant

“I just don’t know, Miss,” Silvia began, her brow furrowed.

“Ultimately, it’s up to you,” I advised, letting out a deep breath. 

We passed the familiar scene of the mall; the front of shops clustered with bustling shoppers in a hurry to get to different destinations. I had spent most of that day thinking about prom and clearly Silvia had too. After her text at the end of the lunch period earlier that day, I had received two or three other frantic texts from her in later classes asking if we could talk after school.  I agreed to drive out to pick her up to go to a nearby mall for dinner and some shopping. From the minute she climbed in the car, prom was all she could talk about. She had begun each conversation with, “I just don’t know, Miss.” Occasionally, she’d sigh and dramatically drop her hands to her sides, waiting for me to ask her what she was thinking about. I’d simply turn my attention to a person walking by, or a shirt on a hanger, until she caved and began explaining her feelings without me inquiring about them.

“Miss!” she interrupted my thoughts.

“Yes?” I turned to see the worry in her eyes as she brushed her bangs out of her vision.

“I don’t know if I want to go to prom with Tyler,” she tugged on her tight skirt a little, nervously fixing her appearance. 

“I don’t know what to tell you, Silvia,” I shook my head. “I think you should go with him. Honestly, you could not ask for a better prom date than Tyler.”

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