Chapter Seven

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Dear Scott

Again, I find you in my life

Forever on my mind

My thoughts and dreams

So full of you

So apart of me 

When I back away

Leaving you to go

It seems you always stay

Dear Scott, my friend

What is it you want

Because right here

In this time and place

In my heart 

I hold you dear

But maybe then

Once time moves on

Of me you will care not

My heart is confused

My brain aches at night

For her you still pine

And for me all you do is flirt

So please move on

Leave her behind

Before she’s gone away

Come into my heart

Don’t come and go

Like you’ve done

Right from the start

I jumped as my phone began to vibrate on my chest where I had set it after sending my lasts text to Silvia. She was responding pretty slowly, except for this last text. Looking down, Scott’s name appeared above an envelope on the screen. Scott? I thought to myself. I bit my lip, the calm that had fallen over me as I sat in my bed suddenly replaced by nervousness. What was he doing texting me so late? What was he doing texting me at all? Taking a deep breath, I waited for a second before opening it as I held it close to my face.

I had a ton of fun tonight! Did you? I read it over and over again, my brain hardly processing what was going on. A text from Scott Sharpe. Maybe I was on his mind. The thought sent my limbs into shock, my toes and fingers forgetting how to move properly. How was I suppose to respond? Play it cool and act casual? Tell him I liked him? No no, too much. My brain beet against the inside of my skull, For God's sake send something, Idiot! It screamed at my frozen fingers. I held my breath, a casual response flowing through my stubby fingers.

Of course I had fun! It’s been a while since we’ve hung out. I hit send and then dropped my phone on my chest, letting out the deep breath I had held in while typing. I missed talking to Scott. I really did. We just weren’t who we used to be anymore. We had this friendship that just started up like an explosion and before long fizzled into nothing. A loud bang like a firework that no one can ignore that disappeared as fast as it had come. I had fallen pretty hard for him before, but in all honesty, we never really had the time to become more. We “knew” each other in the span of a month and then were suddenly just acquaintances. It really shouldn’t have been such a surprise to me that things fell apart the way they did, but I really felt from the moment I first talked to him that we’d be different. That somehow we were meant to meet and change each other’s lives. 

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